SURVEY SAYS: Backing the Bears, Clapping for Colts – or Something Else?

February 1, 2007 ( - Come Sunday, the nation will turn its attention (if not its TV/radio) to - the Super Bowl.

Now, I know that there are a lot of disappointed Patriots and Saints fans out there, but even if the game isn’t worth watching, or the half-time show isn’t your cup of tea, the commercials are usually worth waiting for.   This week, I asked readers what would be holding their attention.

If the game is as close as the polling this week, well, let’s just say it will be a good game.   Based on the overall tone of the comments, I would offer the following observations:

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  • Despite their heartbreaking playoff loss, Patriots fans were, generally speaking, planning to support the AFC team (Colts).   In fact, those who indicated they were normally fans of some other AFC team (the Steelers were well represented) were likely to support the Colts as well.
  • Saints fans, generally speaking, also tended to shift their allegiance to the Colts (the Saints lost to the Bears in the NFC championship).
  • Seahawks fans are still stinging from their playoff loss – and tended to switch their allegiance to the Colts rather than to the Bears (who beat the Seahawks in the playoffs).
  • Green Bay Packers fans will never root for the Bears, no matter who they play.
  • Lots of folks think Colts QB Peyton Manning is “cute” (I’m reasonably sure this was primarily a female response), and a noticeable number of folks think that he “deserves” the Super Bowl ring.

And yet, when all is said and done, those backing the Bears slightly – and I do mean slightly – outnumbered those planning to “clap for the Colts” by a margin of (drumroll, please) 32.1% to 30.86% .   So, who’s rooting for da Bears?   Well, aside from what seems to be the entire metropolitan Chicago area, lots of folks who no longer live in the Windy City, but who still have fond memories of the Super Bowl XX champions.      

More than 18% said they would be clamoring for the commercials, while 12% said they were just glad that football season will soon be over.   The remaining 6% opted for the choice that wasn’t given – “other” – mostly because they didn’t even care enough about the Super Bowl, or football, to be glad the season was drawing to a close.

But this week’s Editor’s Choice goes to a reader who opted for a different kind of “other”:  “How could you forget (e) — rooting for the score that wins me the office pool?”

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!
