SURVEY SAYS: Changing Workplace Demographics

Last week, we covered an analysis that showed the number of female, minority and older workers are increasing.

I asked NewsDash readers, have you seen a change in the demographics of employees at your workplace?

Interestingly, responding readers are not seeing the same trends in their workplaces as the survey indicated for the workforce overall. The biggest percentage of readers (48.6%) indicated their workplace has seen an increased number of employees ages 21 to 34 in the last five years. Twenty percent have seen an increase in the number of employees ages 35 to 54, 17.1% said the number of employees ages 55 and older has increased, and 14.3% indicated the age demographic at their workplace has stayed about the same.

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As for gender, 40% of respondents have seen an increase in female employees in their workplace in the last five years, 11.4% said there are more male employees, and about half (48.6%) reported the same ratio of female to male employees.

Responding readers were nearly evenly split about the change in percentage of non-white employees at their workplaces in the last five years—51.4% indicated the percentage has increased, while 48.6% said it has not.

I also asked respondents if they think an aging workforce and tendency to delay retirement has kept younger workers from finding positions in their desired careers. Most (54.3%) said no, but more than one-third (37.1%) said yes. More than 8% had no opinion or haven’t thought about it.

Respondents who chose to leave comments about the changing demographics of the workforce are noticing an aging workforce; some say they are the aging workforce: “Unfortunately, I’m seeing the aging workforce when I look in the mirror.” A couple of younger respondents weighed in about how the aging workforce is not affecting their careers, and one told of trouble older workers are having finishing out their careers in a desirable job. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “Guess I pay more attention to birthdates and da*n! I have a lawnmower older than some employees (in some cases it works better, too).”

A big thank you to all who participated in our survey! 


I think that younger workers are still able to find jobs even though older workers are hanging around longer. The older workers who lose their positions are not finding other work, and forced to either retire or get part time or other less acceptable work.

Unfortunately, I'm seeing the aging workforce when I look in the mirror.

Everyone is getting younger since I'm getting older.

A tightened economy, slower business, delaying retirement, and slower hiring...need I say more?

Changing demographics? We're all getting older!

The demographic shift has impacted the company culture, transitioning from a corner-office, wear-a-suit culture to embracing more open-concept, business casual (jeans Friday!). Employees have access to Facebook.

At my current employer no- there are not, there are not enough workers age 50 and above. However, I have seen where older workers are not retiring and younger workers cannot find work. Education is one of those areas. I know of several teachers who are not teaching in the area they desired due to older teachers staying in place longer. How do we find a balance of having enough experienced workers and enough younger workers in the workforce. A balance is very important.

It is inspiring to see coworkers still love their job and choose to delay retirement, when doing so by choice and not financial obligation. That said, I am ready to retire today at 35.

Work in predominantly and traditionally male industry due to nature of work; little change in last 5 years. Minorities have always been a fair portion of the workforce, so no change there either.

I am a relatively young worker, but delayed retirement has not affected me as much as it could because typically those who delay retirement have far more experience in their field and do not directly compete with me for positions. On the other hand, it may slow my advancement in my career, but overall this could be accounted for by an expanded time period in the workforce- I'm not being delayed in advancement so much as taking a 40 year time span and stretching it to 45.

Guess I pay more attention to birthdates and da*n!, I have a lawnmower older than some employees (in some cases it works better, too).

I am 68 and still working part-time. I refuse to work full-time, as I do not want to take a position that could be filled with someone younger.

We have hired more female employees as worker bees. The ownership and management team remains male with no change in the time I've been here.


NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Asset International or its affiliates.
