SURVEY SAYS – Have You Pranked/Been Pranked?

April 2, 2009 ( - Well, it's April Fool's Day (in case you've forgotten) - a day on which pranksters are "out" in force - perhaps even some of you.

This week, I’d like to know, “Have you pranked today – or been pranked – and how (or how not)?   Come on, you KNOW you’re dying to tell….  and there ARE multiple choices to get you started…

If you’re looking for the responses to this week’s survey, they’re  HERE

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Bonus question:   Now that we’ve established that today is April Fool’s Day – we know that that can make it difficult at times to figure out whether someone is pulling your leg or not.   In fact, it’s not unheard of for news organizations to post up a fake news story as a joke.   This week, I’d like to see what YOU can come up with as an April Fools’ headline – something that is plausible, but not quite yet believable….or is it?  

The responses to this week’s Bonus Question are  HERE

You can still REPLY to this week’s survey and bonus question HERE


Well, yesterday was April Fool's Day (in case you've already forgotten).

That's a day on which pranksters are "out" in force - perhaps even some of you.   This week I asked readers if they had pranked - or been pranked - and how (or how not)?

Now, for most of this week's respondents, the timing of their survey perhaps didn't afford the opportunity for a complete assessment of the day's events.   Nearly one-in-five ( 18.8% ) admitted it was "too early yet", while a full quarter ( 25.1% ) - a plurality of this week's responses, by the way, said simply "not yet."

However, despite the hour (some, of course, could have responded later in the day), 15.6% said they had, in fact, "pranked" someone, while just as many ( 15.7% ) said they hadn't even tried.

On the other side of the "ledger", 6.3% said they had been pranked by someone else, and half that number ( 3.0% ) said that someone had tried to prank them…but not succeeded.

We did have some in the "other" category; most either in the "pranked AND been pranked" category, and the rest what is perhaps best explained as in the "not yet, but it's only a matter of time" category.   As one reader noted, "Although I'm sure before the day is over my husband will manage to find some way to give me a heart attack!"   Cupid's "arrows" were also at work for another reader who noted, "My significant other is out of town today so I am both safe from being pranked and missing out on pranking him. I'm wary though. If he remembers he's likely to do something."  

Still another reader said that they were "In the midst of one!"

As for the nature of those pranks, most of the pranks readers were responsible for involved office equipment; phone, PC, lights, etc.", while most of the rest split pretty equally between the following categories:

  • something in the news
  • the movement of furniture
  • an illusory winning of the lottery

Beyond those broad categories, we also got a few specific tales, such as the reader who said, "We set up a garage sale in my director's office. She has just started the half price sale!"  And then there's the one that was both funny - and yet, kind of sad:  "Our second line manager left our department, and, on April 1, I successfully convinced about 15 people that this urchin butt-kisser was going to be his replacement. What was so funny was how people already started supplicating with comments like, "Well, at least he does X..." and "I guess it COULD be worse if you think about it." I didn't let it get so far that anyone called him up to congratulate him 🙂 "

Some others:

"I knew a co-worker was expecting an important call. So when he stepped away from his desk I hooked his handset cord to the back of his desk. Then I sat in my office waiting for his return. When I saw him coming back, I called his phone. He ran for his desk and grabbed the handset while standing. Since it could only go about six inches from the desk, it yanked back to his desk, knocking things over. He was still holding on to it and was laying on his desk frantically yelling "Hello! Hello!" All he heard was the sound of laughter throughout the office."

"My boss clicks his pens non stop. So I replaced every writing utencil with beautiful brand new crayola crayons. :)"

"I've sent a link to a friend, who will forward it to others; later, after they've opened it, I'm to send another email warning them not to, as it is infected with the Conficker worm."

As for readers who had been pranked, well - here it split (nearly equally) between:

  • something in the news
  • office equipment
  • a fake resignation or hire

And as for some examples beyond that list:

"I would like to think my investment results are one big cumulative prank."

One reader noted simply; "A door and a cup of water."  While another painted the following picture:

"The person I pranked thought he would be able to get me back. So when a co-worker and I went out to lunch, he pulled my office door till it was almost shut and put a cup filled with water over it. His intention was that I would open my door and the cup of water would fall on me. However, on my way back in to the office with my co-worker I passed him and another co-worker and they both wished me a great afternoon while grinning ear to ear. Then as I got to my office I saw that my door was almost closed. I always remember how I leave things, and I didn't leave my door that way. So, before I opened the door I peeked into my office and then started looking around the door. Lo and behold .... the cup of water. Needless to say, they were very disappointed that their amateur prank didn't work. Silly boys. They should've known they couldn't beat the queen of pranks."

"Since I am a pension professional responsible for responding to various employee requests for information, a "notorious" co-worker sent an email to me advising that a "Mr. Saunders" called him incorrectly and he was furious about his service calculation under the pension plan. The email asked that I contact him directly to address his complaint. Needless to say, the phone number was for the local Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet.....took me just a few seconds to realize I'd been punked...however, the manager at the KFC was very good about the prank....she said they get that type of call all the time on 4/1!"

And speaking of phone calls, "Someone disconnected my phone. I realized it when I went to make a call. Now I don't know how to fix it!"

But this week's Editor's Choice goes to the reader who said, "My 9 year old daughter told me this morning that "work was cancelled." If only!"

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!

April 2, 2009 ( - This week I also noted that on April 1 it can be difficult to figure out whether someone is pulling your leg or not.  

In fact, it's not unheard of for news organizations to post up a fake news story as a joke.   This week, I asked readers to submit their versions of an April Fools' headline - something that is plausible, but not quite yet believable….or is it?  

Well, here's a sampling of the best, under a heading I'll call, This just in:

Government Announces Pension Bailout- Will Reimburse Lost Balances to Participants

Ford, Gm - Buy One Car, Get One Free!

Angelina And Brad Adopt Octomom Babies For An Undisclosed Sum

Bernard Has Grown A Conscience, And Has Returned All Of The Money He Madoff With....

Empire State Building To Be Renamed Beijing Tower --China Applauds U.S. Recognition Of Its Contributions To Salvaging U.S. Economy

Senate Rejects Obama Nominee for Failure to Pay Taxes

IRS Moves to Audit EveryMe mber of Congress, All Government Officials


Bernie Madoff Fraud Exposed as Hoax!


President Obama Takes the Reins at GM/Chrysler, Turning Presidency Over to VP

Expects to Turn Things Around in 18 Months

One of my personal favorites was " Nevin Adams Appointed to Retirement Advisory Panel by President Obama "

But this week's Editor's Choice goes to "White House Appoints Task Force To Over-See Task Forces"

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Bonus Survey!    

If you'd like to contribute - this bonus survey is still open at
