SURVEY SAYS: How Did You Find the NewsDash?

October 15, 2009 ( - I have noted earlier that this week marks the 10th Anniversary of the launch of PLANSPONOR's NewsDash.

This week I asked readers to share how YOU first found out about the NewsDash – and while the responses were varied, the most common response was….well, I’ll just say thanks to everyone who has helped pass the word along!  

Nearly 16% said they already had a subscription to PLANSPONSOR , roughly 10% (9.8%) said they found us on the Internet – and just under one-in-five ( 19.5% )…said they had no earthly idea (though, as one reader noted, “Somehow PLANSPONSOR found me and I’m glad!”   Another reader said, “I wish I could remember. “).

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But the really interesting statistic to me was that more than half ( 54.8% ) said that they had been introduced to the NewsDash – by:

  • 8.5% – adviser/provider
  • 25.6% – friend/colleague
  • 20.7% – other

Among the "others" were the following:

  • Recommended by a former boss
  • Recommended by my boss!
  • It was standard reading for everyone in my department when I was hired, five years ago.
  • Recommended by my boss, coincidentally.
  • I can't remember how I found it, but I'm sure glad I did! Out of all the newsletters that hit my inbox, this is one of the few I read every single day.
  • It's been so long, I've forgotten!
  • Like coffee, it was just there one day, I tried it and now can't start my day until I have it.
  • I'd been in the industry about 12 years and knew about the magazine but signed up for NewsDash as soon as I heard it was available. I love it!!!
  • My former boss introduced me to it and my boss, that replaced her, was also an avid reader. I miss them both! They were the best bosses I could have ever asked for.

Another reader explained, that NewsDash had been recommended to them by "My mother! Years ago when I first entered HR I relied on my mother, who was a payroll supervisor and the 403b/Pension specialist within her company for various external professional "printed" resources as my company at the time could not afford such luxuries (the 401k Answer book, etc). I used to call her with questions to "research." How could she tell me no? I think she got tired of me calling her and during one of our conversations she told me about Plan Sponsor and I've been hooked ever since! I've shared Plan Sponsor with many of my colleagues over the years. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!"

But this week's Editor's Choice goes to the reader who said they started getting NewsDash because "A coworker got tired of forwarding the funny parts to me! ;-")

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey - and who read NewsDash every day (however you got started).  

If you haven't (yet) signed our virtual birthday card, you can still do so  HERE
