SURVEY SAYS: National Save for Retirement Week Efforts

October 29, 2012 – Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, what, if anything, their companies did for National Save for Retirement Week.

I was surprised that more than 86% of responding readers said their companies did nothing. Six percent reported that their companies used an education campaign offered by a provider.   

Surprisingly, half of readers who made comments said they didn’t know last week was National Save for Retirement Week (and, I thought we did a good job of covering all the providers’ efforts for the event.) Those who did expressed doubt such a week is helpful in the drive to encourage individuals to save.  

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Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “Ah, another Hallmark ‘holiday’, albeit one without greeting cards. Still, it’s nice to know that there is still SOMETHING that can draw bipartisan support in Congress.” 


We recently provided our employees with their defined benefit statements, so I thought this would be an opportune time to have retirement planning sessions. The employees that attended were suprised at what could happen when they retire if they don't plan ahead. It is an eye opening experience. Some people have no clue what to expect when they retire.  

Best kept secret.  

Didn't know about it until now.  

I didn't know there was such a thing.  

who knew?  

Doesn't Congress have more important things to worry about than adding labels to certain weeks of the year? I think these types of "national fill-in-the-blank weeks" are ridiculous.  

I was not aware of "National Save for Retirement Week", but I was offered an opportunity for our staff to participate in "The Investor Education in Your Workplace" program. This program is made available at no cost to the employee. It is supported by grants from the Investor Protection Trust and our state securities agency. The program is an online financial education program that has provided over 120,000 hours of effective and investment education to over 11,000 employees at 300 locations. We have over one-third of our employees taking advantage of this opportunity.  

This is an important topic, employers should plan for this. ( Benefits enrollment fairs are not enough!) Employers should educate associates about contributing to their plan and what the consequences are for taking loans and withdrawals. It is alarming to see the number of loans that are issued.  

First I've heard of it but we wouldn't do anything anyway. A staff this undermanned simply doesn't have time for "promotions".  

I don't think creating a week in mid-Fall will create or raise awareness. Nice try.  

There are too many "National......" Days now to keep up with all of them!  

Wasn't aware there was such a thing.  

I'm assuming my company has done nothing, since this survey is the first I've heard of it!  

For some reason, this one sneaks up on me every year. More's the pity - but then the timing seems kind of odd. Then again, at some level isn't saving for retirement a little bit of "trick or treat?"  

Who can compete with fresh bread day, friend day, dollar day and soup of the day all during the same week!  

Ah, another Hallmark "holiday", albeit one without greeting cards. Still, it's nice to know that there is still SOMETHING that can draw bipartisan support in Congress.  


NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not the stance of Asset International or its affiliates. 
