SURVEY SAYS: Screaming for the Steelers or Clamoring for the Cardinals?

January 29, 2009 ( - Come Sunday, the nation will turn its attention (if not its TV/radio) to - the Super Bowl.

Now, while there are certainly a lot of folks pulling for another Super Bowl ring for the guys in gold and black – perhaps just as many pulling for the underdog Cardinals (and another shot for Kurt Warner) – and doubtless many in both camps (and some in neither) who are just planning to tune in for the commercials.

This week, I’d like to know who will you be rooting for on Sunday (including, of course, the end of the football season)?

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Responses to this week’s survey are  HERE

Now, while there are certainly a lot of folks pulling for another (SIX!) Super Bowl ring for the guys in gold and black - perhaps just as many pulling for the underdog Cardinals (and another shot at a ring for Kurt Warner) - and doubtless many in both camps (and some in neither) who are just planning to tune in for the commercials.  

This week I asked readers if they would be clamoring for the Cardinals, screaming for the Steelers - or just checking out the commercials.  

We had lots of folks expecting/hoping for a good/close game - but if the score is anything like the results of this week's survey, it won't even be close.  

That's right - though the oddsmakers appear to be giving the Pittsburgh Steelers the advantage, nearly half of this week's respondents - 43.1% - said they would be clamoring for the Cardinals - more than twice as many as said they would be pulling for the guys in gold and black ( 21.9% ).

Having said that, 16.3% said they would be cheering for the commercials only, while even more ( 18.8% ) opted for "other."   Now, most of those were in the "couldn't care less" camp (my bad for not offering that as a category), but there were some that truly seemed to fit that categorization:

"There's a game this weekend?"

"I'll be rooting for a good movie on pay-per-view. If you hadn't mentioned the teams, I wouldn't even know who's playing."

"Watching it in the background as I spend time with my new kiddo. Hoping my husband decides the game doesn't need to be as loud as the actual stadium...mute would be fine with me."

" that the one with the pointy ball?"

Some of this week's respondents apparently weren't QUITE as enthusiastic about their choice as the response wording:

"Don't REALLY care but will be mildly rooting for the Cardinals just because the Steelers aren't very nice."

"As a big NFL fan, but not one of either team, I just want to see a good game."

"I like them both for different reasons, so I'll be happy either way."

"Being a New Orleans native and a Saints fan, of course I will always root for the loveable loser underdog teams like the Cardinals. But it would not bother me if the Steelers won either, since they were my childhood favorite team growing up in the 70's. My wish is for a good game that goes down to the wire, then everyone wins!"

"Rooting interests in this order.... 1. Bruce Springsteen 2. The commercials 3. The Cardinals 4. Whoever plays the Steelers."

And some - well, were even more so:

"Not just screaming for the Steelers, but SCREAMING for the Steelers . . ."

And others, while they may have an allegiance (or not) nonetheless just had one thing they were hoping for:

"While I'm clamoring for the Cardinals, vigorously rooting against the Steelers and hoping for some entertainment from the commercials, what I am really hoping for is a close game decided in the final minutes (or overtime) since, unfortunately, it is the end of the football season."

"I will be rooting for whichever team is losing as I want to see a close hard fought battle. I have no allegiance to either team. I will also enjoy the commercials."

"Don't care who wins. Just want to see an exciting, competitive game."

"I will start out clamoring for the Cardinals, mostly out of respect for Kurt Warner and the fact that they are the underdog. But, I have always liked the Steelers and their brand of football. I guess I just want to see a close game."

There were plenty of "conflicted" readers, perhaps none so much so as the reader that explained "I am very conflicted right now. I work for a Sporting Goods retailer in Pittsburgh but spent the last 10 years in Arizona. Don't tell anyone, but I'm secretly routing for the Cards even though my bonus is most likely dependent on the Steelers winning. I can't help routing for the underdog."

And I really liked this comment:  "It's really another holiday, except we have to work the next day. Lots of food, family and football! What could be better?"

But this week's Editor's Choice goes to the reader who, doubtless thinking back to past wardrobe malfunctions said, "Let's hope everyone keeps their clothes on."    (if only because we're talking about Bruce Springsteen, after all!)

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!

Looking for a fantastic finish!
Don't REALLY care but will be mildly rooting for the Cardinals just because the Steelers aren't very nice.
Don't care about game.
I like them both for different reasons, so I'll be happy either way. that the one with the pointy ball?
will be watching in denial---heartbroken that my beloved NY GIANTS will no longer be super bowl champs
As a big NFL fan, but not one of either team, I just want to see a good game.
Passing the day completely unaware.
yawn. Fabric store is having a sale!
While I'm clamoring for the Cardinals, vigorously rooting against the Steelers and hoping for some entertainment from the commercials, what I am really hoping for is a close game decided in the final minutes (or overtime) since, unforturnately, it is the end of the football season.
No One. Will wait for the Stanley Cup to think about sports.
There's a game this weekend?
It is such a hard decision. I would have rooted for the Philadelphia Eagles, had they won. I'd like to say the Cards since I usually side with the underdog, but being from the Great State of Pennsylvania, I want to see the Steelers win. Most likely, I will be in the kitchen whipping up the fare, and running to the TV to catch the commercials. The sigh of relief will be when it is all over, and I will have my television back until the Baseball season comes around.
Couldn't care less.
Being a New Orleans native and a Saints fan, of course I will always root for the loveable loser underdog teams like the Cardinals. But it would not bother me if the Steelers won either, since they were my childhood favorite team growing up in the 70's. My wish is for a good game that goes down to the wire, then everyone wins!
I've stopped watching professional football (and only watch college games with the volume down) because the broadcasters seem to have forgotten that it's about the action on the field, not the people yapping in the booth.
I'll be cheering for the end (finally) of the season where overpaid, spoiled rotten, not terribly astute athletes actually think what they are doing is important.
ignoring it completely--going to see a Teen production of Fiddler on the Roof
I'll be rooting for a good movie on pay-per-view. If you hadn't mentioned the teams, I wouldn't even know who's playing.
I'll go to the Super Bowl Party and people watch (i.e., watch the people not watch the game just so they can say they did). That and the commercials are the best thing about the Super Bowl when my team isn't in it....Go Giants (next year)!
Cheerleaders. I'll be watching the special half time edition of one of the best shows on TV - Wipeout! Good night, and big balls.
I'll be on a plane, although I really don't need to waste an afternoon watching 1-second commercials.
Watching it in the background as I spend time with my new kiddo. Hoping my husband decides the game doesn't need to be as loud as the actual stadium...mute would be fine with me.
I will be rooting for whichever team is losing as I want to see a close hard fought battle. I have no allegiance to either team. I will also enjoy the commercials.
Just hoping to see an exciting game.
I will start out clamoring for the Cardinals, mostly out of respect for Kurt Warner and the fact that they are the underdog. But, I have always liked the Steelers and their brand of football. I guess I just want to see a close game.
Don't care who wins. Just want to see an exciting, competitive game.
Rooting interests in this order.... 1. Bruce Springsteen 2. The commercials 3. The Cardinals 4. Whoever plays the Steelers
Not a foodball fan, but Kurt Warner is an great guy from Iowa. Would love to see him do well, so will cheer him on.
I am very conflicted right now. I work for a Sporting Goods retailer in Pittsburgh but spent the last 10 years in Arizona. Don't tell anyone, but I'm secretly routing for the Cards even though my bonus is most likely dependent on the Steelers winning. I can't help routing for the underdog.
It's really another holiday, except we have to work the next day. Lots of food, family and football! What could be better.
Let's hope everyone keeps their clothes on.
While I will be rooting for the underdog (shhhh -- don't tell my friends who love the Steelers!), I'll mostly be watching to see if any of the commercials are worth what they cost. Last year's batch was pretty dismal.
With each passing year it seems to diminish in my eyes. This may be due to incipient senility, but I suspect it's just that wjile ordinary working people fear for their jobs, athletes, entertainers and bankers are being obscenely compensated. I don't begrudge anyone their share of the pie but we all need to retrench.
Of course, there are always the commercials is the game gets boring!
It will be interesting to see the commercials this year in light of the downturn in the economy. Will it just be the major companies or we will we see some creative commercials for some up & coming companies?
It would be nice to see the team in red finally get a ring. They've been the door mat of the NFL for so long, not to mention it would serve as a beacon of hope for Lions fans (hee hee hee)!
Gotta support the Cardinals - doesn't anyone else get tired of all the sport "experts" ingnoring any team west of the Mississippi?
Not just screaming for the Steelers, but SCREAMING for the Steelers . . .
Looking forward to the match-up of a defense that allowed 300+ yards only once all season, against an offense that regularily goes for 300+. Hopefully there will be little-to-no exposure of the "feisty" Brenda Warner.
Grateful the season is at the end~! But of course then there is the pro bowl! I am looking forward to the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet more than the Super Bowl.
I have lived my adult life in Iowa. Gatta root for Warner. Although in terms of the teams themselves, I could care less. So I guess I am rooting for the commercials.
The end of the season for me marks the end of the TV watching season. After that, I use the box for watching NetFlix. I am a Giants fan but happy to cheer for the Steelers who play (similar to the Giants)old-fashioned football based on running and hard-hitting and great defense. Go Steelers.
A tedious interlude surrounding Bruce Springstein's performance.
I'd like to see Warner do it again but wish he would stop acting like Jesus is on the field. I suspect jesus dosn't have a ball in the game but do not pretend to speak for him.
I'd like to see Warner do it again but wish he would stop acting like Jesus is on the field. I suspect jesus dosn't have a ball in the game but do not pretend to speak for him.
I love to root for the underdog, but mostly I hope it is a good, close game with at least several amazing plays.
If the Steelers win, I win the company football pool of $263. (The Cards helped me get ahead of others who also had the Steelers in the Super Bowl by beating the Panthers.) I'm a Denver Broncos fan, so I have to go with the AFC team.
Game? What game? I just want to see that cute little donkey on the Busch commercials ...
I think Kurt Warner got shafted by the Rams and I hope he does well. But -- why not the usual QB adoration, the type given to the Mannings, Merino, Namath, etc., for Kurt? Don't see the round of interviews, etc., that the others have been accorded. It's pretty well known he's a devout Christian -- are we seeing some discrimination by our largely anti-Christianity mainstream media?
When I don't have a "dog in the fight" (sorry for the euphemism, Michael Vick), I usually root for the underdog.
An article in the local paper recently talked about office layoffs at the Cleveland Browns organization - and also talked about some of the perks the players have negotiated into their contracts. if ONE player gave up a FEW of the perks they have, 15 people would have been able to keep their jobs. I won't watch the game because I don't want to support the advertisers who support the spoiled rotten players who cost some neighbors I've never met their jobs.
I intend to watch the commercials although I find it hard to believe any company having $$$$ to spend on advertising.
Market will have to go up..both are old NFL teams!!!
Go Steel Curtin!!!!!!
I defintely would like to see a franchise like the Cardinals win the BIG game. It would give hope to the fans in other cities whose teams seem to always border on mediocrity.
I really watch for the commercials more than anything else.
This is one of the first years in recent memory that I have not cared to even watch the game -- especially now that I already saw the PETA commercial that won't be on the air.
Having spent my undergrad years in Pittsburgh in the early to mid-80's, I always root AGAINST the "Stillers" ('Burger-ese pronunciation of Steelers). They are the most obnoxious fans and when I lived there the team was horrible, but the fans continued to refer to Pittsburgh as the City of Champions from late 70's when the Stillers and the Pirates won the championships.
I bleed black and gold! Here we go, Steelers, here we go, Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl! Here we go!
Here in St. Louis it's almost mandatory to be rooting for Kurt Warner. Some of the commercials are fun, but football for me is pretty boring. This week for me was more about watching the US figure skating nationals and the Australian Open.
I'd like to see the old Chicago Cardinals win their first Super Bowl.
If the underdog wins--good. If not--who cares?
Way to Go Steelers! Way to Go! D-Fence! Steelers kix the Birds in the mix to win Super Bowl Number Six!
I love football and if my team is not in the Super Bowl, I also love to root for the underdogs...especially if I'll be watching the game with fans of the favorite team. That makes for a more interesting event. The food and the commercials are very enjoyable as well.
Now that the Cardinals have made it to the big game, I'm wondering if enough years gone by that the general public would tolerate the Buffalo Bills again as a Super Bowl participant.
The hype turns me away every year. Can't take it.
As a Browns fan, I say "Go Cardinals"! (I have had practice cheering for the underdog.)
I rooted for the Steelers to beat Baltimore, but now I will due my duty as a Browns fan and root for the Cardinals.
As a St. Louis fan who became Champions because of Kurt "John 3:16" Warner, I will be rooting for the Cardinals.
Wishing the Patriots were playing!
Can't wait for football to be over so it stops ruining my Sunday night lineup!
One for the other thumb!
This is kind of harde for me this year. Most years I would have to be cheering for the Steelers. this year will be different. I went to college with Warner and am a Fan of his. I do like the Steelers to win but the Cardinals will have my heart this year.
I hope to live long enough to someday see the Browns in it.
Big what? More like big commercial opportunities.
Being a Baltmore Ravens fan, I have to root for anyone playing the Steelers, even though the Cardinals beat my boyhood hometown team, the Eagles.
God Bless parity. It seems like in recent years the big game ends up being a match you would have never predicted at mid-season.
You can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can't take Pittsburgh out of the girl....Go Steelers (from DC)!
The only part of the game I will NOT watch is the halftime show. Thats when I use the bathroom, get a refill, and collect my box winnings!
I am routing for the underdog. I am also not a big Steelers fan since I am from New England and they are a rival.
Since the game does not start until after 6 pm and won't end until 11 pm, I will not see the final score. Sure wish they would move it to a Saturday so those of us who still have jobs would be able to stay up to the end.
I have no real devotion to either team so I just hope for a well played competitive game. I am also looking forward to Bruuuuuuuuuce.
Like many others, I will be participating in football pools and attending a Super Bowl party. I don't really care who wins but will just be enjoying the company of friends and interested in the commercials. I hear a certain beer company will have several commercials showcasing their star horses. I just love those commercials and can't wait to see what they come up with each year.
I hope the commercials are better than last year...babies heaving their last meal on TV is not exactly my idea of funny.
The Steelers have enough Super Bowl rings.
I hope the half time show doesn't suck.
With me rooting for the Colts, Titian, Falcons, & Giants, not sure if the Cardinals want me clamoring for them
I'm from St. Louis and Kurt Warner was one of the few bright spots in St. Louis Football so I hope he can do the same for Arizona.
