SURVEY SAYS: What Are Your Thanksgiving Holiday Plans?

November 21, 2011 ( - Last week I asked readers about their Thanksgiving holiday plans.

Nearly 59% said they will be travelling, and the rest will not.     

As for distance, 36.8% of readers said they will travel 0 miles, they’re staying home, and 35.8% said they will be travelling less than 100 miles. Among long distance travellers, one-quarter are travelling more than 100 miles within the U.S., and 2% are travelling outside the U.S.    

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The most common reason for holiday travel, unsurprisingly, is to visit family (68.3%). Eleven percent are travelling to visit friends, and 9.5% to visit family and friends. Eight percent are taking a vacation, and 3% indicated they are doing it all – visiting family and friends, and taking a vacation. One reason to give thanks: no one said they are travelling for business during the Thanksgiving holiday.    

The commenters, whether travelling or not, mostly expressed distaste for holiday travel.


My family is traveling more than 50 miles to visit us. 


Traveling to Hilton Head, SC from Hartford, CT area to spend Thanksgiving with my four daughters who are going to college in Greenville, SC and my mother-in-law and her husband who live in Palm Coast, FL. 


We avoid traveling long distances over holidays because we are not willing to deal with the congested roads. 


This year I've planned a vacation right in between the holidays. I'm hoping to avoid any flight problems and crowds. 


I wish our relatives lived someplace warmer (other than Buffalo)... 


Don't travel by car on holidays - too dangerous, no matter how safely you try to drive. 


don't enjoy the travel because the airports and airlines don't adjust their processes to accommodate the bigger crowds, however, I always enjoy seeing family. 


No travel as family is located within 5 minutes of my home. 


Only grandchildren could get me to travel by air during a holiday period. 


We're hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, for the first time (yikes!) 


Try to limit as much as possible. 


Necessary evil to get to the good. 


I am thankful that our family has never had to travel for a holiday as all family members remained withing a 10 mile radius of my parents. Now my grown children live 25-150 miles from our home, but it's not too bad - as long as they come to us!

Verbatims (cont.)     

I have a long 10 hour trip to visit my brother. Wile I dread the drive, he has made the trip multiple times in the past couple years so it is my turn. 


I wish I was staying home - even the short 7 miles to my in-laws for the holidays is enough to un-nerve my sensibilities. Short spans with them is fine, but hours upon hours is too much. My spouse and I drive separately so I can leave when I've had enough... 


Usually we stay home, but this year I get the pleasure of going to my mother-in-law's for turkey dinner. I'll spend the rest of the weekend in a gymnasium as our town hosts a big youth basketball tournament. 


We have everyone to our house on Thanksgiving so we don't have to travel. Noone has to travel overnight but it saves us two meals and a lot of driving. 


For me, the word "travel" means fun and pleasure. I don't consider what we do for the holidays "travel." 


Prefer not to do holiday traveling, but spending time with my family is worth the hassle. 


Training is the best 


Traveling to Long Island NY on Thanksgiving day is nothing to give thanks for.
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