SURVEY SAYS – When Will You Close for the Fourth?

June 25, 2009 ( - Next week, the nation will celebrate its birthday on the Fourth of July (the one federal holiday that really can't be moved to a Monday).

Of course, the Fourth is on a Saturday, which opens up all sorts of long weekend possibilities. This week, I asked readers when they would close for the Fourth?

Nearly everyone is closed on the 3 rd AND the 4 th this year – 91.2% , in fact.   Now, having squared that away, there obviously wasn’t much “variety” in how the rest of the schedule played out; roughly 4% weren’t closing at all (let’s not forget there are certain jobs that NEVER get a holiday – as one reader noted, “We never close as we are a 24 hour facility. Employees who work M-F get a holiday on the 3rd. All others get paid double time for working on the 4th.” ), while 3% were only closing on the Fourth, with the remaining 1% closing on Monday the 6 th .   The rest (and it wasn’t many) were closed all week.

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Other comments:

“Our locations that are usually open on Sat will be closed, but we won’t be closed on Friday (and with our boss, there won’t be any leaving early, either!). Long weekend possibilities? Ask me again before the Labor Day holiday!”

“Leaving early the 2nd; closed the 3rd and 4th.”

“We’ll most likely be let go early on the 2nd (I hope), the off the 3rd. I’m taking Monday off for a well deserved extended weekend.”

“We’re an auto company. Closed all week for normal shutdown, plus an extra mandatory week this year. Please buy a car!!”

“It’s June 24th and we still don’t know what we’re doing yet. They can’t make up their minds whether they want to close on Friday or not.”  (editor’s note – maybe this survey will help?)

But this week’s Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who observed, “But that doesn’t mean we won’t be working on the 3rd! (G*dd*m PPA!)”

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!
