The defined contribution (DC) industry has evolved since 2014, the year of our first PLANSPONSOR Participant Survey, but participants remain largely unchanged in how they value—and would trade off—employer benefits.
As a general rule, employees prefer benefits that deliver greater vs. quicker financial impact. For example, 61% of respondents prefer a 6% match that becomes vested after five years to a 3% match that is immediately vested. Similarly, a record 53% of respondents now prefer a $2,500 matching contribution to a $1,500 employer contribution that does not require that employees pay in. This perhaps reflects a growing acceptance by employees of their role in saving for retirement.
Further, our 2019 survey confirms that DC plans can help “attract and retain” employees—within limits. This year, 56% of respondents would choose an employer with a 401(k) but offering 10% less pay to one that offers 10% more pay without a plan. However, loyalty appears to have its limits, as that number drops to 42% when the pay gap is 20%.
When choices have no clear difference in value, employees lean toward shorter-term benefits. A slim majority (53%) would opt for a one-time $5,000 bonus over a one-time $5,000 contribution to a 401(k) account, while a more decisive 60% of those with student debt would opt for a $1,000 employer-sponsored student debt payment over a $1,000 contribution to a 401(k) account. —