2020 Survey
Impact of COVID-19
The economic impact of the pandemic reverberated through sponsor and participant behaviors on a limited scale. Average plan participation rates are slightly higher than last year, while average participant deferral rates have moved lower, perhaps due to changes in participant composition from layoffs or furloughs. While some employers (7%) have reduced or suspended matching contributions, most of them are in the midsize plan category—i.e., with $25 million to $100 million in plan assets. Overall, 59% of employers that did reduce/suspend their match hope to reinstate it in Q1 2021.
Plan Outcomes
Unique defined contribution (DC) benchmarking tools based on feedback from roughly 3,000 employers
PLANSPONSOR Industry Reports in a nutshell:
- 65+ pages in PDF format
- Cover DC plans in 50 different industries
- Compare client plans to others in the same industry and asset class, and overall
- Available with your firm's branding or logo on every page
- Distributable to sales staff or adviser network; post on your client site behind registration
Availability: December 2020
Download more information here.
Contact Rob Reif / 212-217-6906 / robert.reif@issmediasolutions.com