Best in Class DC Providers

This year’s Best in Class providers set a standard for service excellence.

Industry Snapshot

Industry Snapshot

Provider Industry Snapshot

Plan sponsors’ average service ratings of providers reflect high levels of satisfaction. The scale below shows the range of responses from all plan sponsors: the minimum and maximum scores received, plus the mean average.

Average Service Ratings

1 = Poor; 10 = Excellent

Net Recommendation/Promoter Score represents the percentage of respondents “very likely to recommend” the provider (rating it 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale) minus the percentage of those “likely to recommend against” (rating it 6 or below). See Methodology.

Recordkeeping Platform Min Mean Max
Plan administration 6.64 8.92 9.59
Plan design flexibility 7.00 8.84 9.52
Systems integration 6.38 8.38 9.30
Participant Services Min Mean Max
Online/Mobile retirement planning tools 7.08 8.62 9.11
Online/Mobile financial wellness offerings 6.45 8.36 8.95
In-person/Virtual participant support 6.00 8.19 9.00
Enrollment materials and support 7.15 8.76 9.24
Print/Digital communications and education 6.92 8.47 9.06
Sponsor Services and Support Min Mean Max
Sponsor website, reporting and tools 6.00 8.58 9.21
Account/Client service teams 7.54 9.03 9.79
Investments and Fees Min Mean Max
Investment options 8.50 8.99 9.67
Fee value and transparency 7.17 8.73 9.63

85% of respondents said they are at least somewhat apt to recommend their provider.

Likelihood of Recommending Recordkeeper to a Friend or Colleague
Extremely likely
Moderately likely
Just a bit likely

Satisfaction with a provider is highest post-conversion and at the longest tenure.

Average Net ­Satisfaction, by Tenure With DC Plan Recordkeeper
<1 year
1 year–3 years
>3 years–5 years
>5 years–7 years
>7 years