System Helps Employers Manage Health Data

July 25, 2013 ( – The Integrated Benefits Institute (IBI) has developed a system to help employers better manage employee health data.

The IBI Key Health Metrics Dashboard tracks the 10 key dimensions of workforce health and provides a single metric for measuring each one. It describes the health and productivity status of a workforce, monitors changes over time, identifies areas for further analysis and actions, and helps employers better understand outcomes. It also provides drill-down metrics supporting the high-level view. 

Employers can use the IBI Key Health Metrics Dashboard to communicate summary metrics to their supplier partners, who can then provide the necessary data. It also provides employers with a system to easily identify what data are missing and focus on strategies to gather them.

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“The goal of the Dashboard is to set the stage for conversations with senior management on the value of workforce health; it helps facilitate the discussion of what’s important and what to do about it, and furthers understanding of what the results mean to an employer’s business,” said IBI president Thomas Parry, Ph.D. 

The IBI Key Employee Health Metrics Dashboard includes the following 10 key dimensions of employee health:


  1. Financial - Description: the expenditures for all health-related programs. Key metric: total health-related program costs—medical, pharmacy, incidental absence, disability and workers’ compensation and related programs—per employee. 
  2. Program Participation - Description: the degree to which employees are enrolled and taking part in available health-related programs. Key metric: the percentage of all eligible workers who participate in these programs.
  3. Biometric Screening - Description: biometric profile of the workforce. Key metric: percentage of all employees who meet clinical targets.
  4. Health Risks - Description: risk profile of the workforce. Key metric: number of health risks per employee.
  5. Utilization of Services - Description: the amount of care delivered and the setting in which it takes place. Key metric: percentage of all employees receiving medical care.
  6. Preventive Care - Description: the degree to which employees are being screened for age- and gender-appropriate health conditions. Key metric: percentage of all employees receiving appropriate screening.
  7. Chronic Conditions - Description: the prevalence and distribution of employee chronic health conditions. Key metric: percentage of all employees with chronic health conditions.
  8. Lost Work Time - Description: the number of health-related lost work days from absence and reduced performance. Key metric: number of lost workday equivalents per employee from health-related conditions.
  9. Lost Productivity - Description: the financial opportunity costs borne by the employer in responding to employee lost work time. Key metric: lost productivity costs per employee.
  10. Employee Health Engagement - Description: the degree to which employees are engaged in managing their health. Key metric: average health engagement survey score per employee.



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