Administration | November 2nd, 2018 Adjustments to Retirement Plan Websites Can Boost Deferrals They can also prompt participants to make other important improvements to their savings strategies, Voya Financial learned.
Products | October 24th, 2018 Retirement Loan Eraser Now Helps Those Who Voluntarily Terminate Employment The product expansion will keep the loan current for an additional three months to allow time for engagement, education and...
Data and Research | October 11th, 2018 Many Worry More About Retirement Savings Than Monthly Expenses Only 33% of Americans are comfortable with their retirement readiness level.
Data and Research | October 2nd, 2018 Nearly Eight in 10 Workers Want to Work in Retirement But the reality is, only 33% of retirees have worked at any given time, according to EBRI.
Participants | September 21st, 2018 The Perils of Ignoring Participant Complaints If a plan sponsor fails to respond, they could face a civil and/or DOL lawsuit
Data and Research | September 17th, 2018 An Accurate Perception of Their Finances Eludes Many Americans One third thinks they are either better or worse off than they actually are, Prudential Financial learned in a survey.
Data and Research | September 17th, 2018 Correlation Found Between Profitability and Quality of 401(k) Plans Above-average-rated plans are more apt to be found at companies with 20% to 80% higher profitability than are average-rated plans,...
Participants | September 10th, 2018 Younger Participants Gravitate to TDFs, Balanced Funds Sixty-four percent of participants in their 20s own a TDF.
Administration | September 5th, 2018 Proper Asset Allocation Often Overlooked, Sibson Says The right allocation could boost returns over a person's career by as much as 34%, the consulting firm says.
Products | September 5th, 2018 New ICI Website Takes on Myths About America’s Retirement System also offers tips on saving and highlights ICI research.
Compliance | July 27th, 2018 Bill Would Establish Personal Savings Accounts Based on TSP The concept is being reintroduced through the American Savings Act
Data and Research | July 12th, 2018 Simpler Retirement Plan Communications Make No Difference in Employee Decisions In conclusion, IZA says, “the data do not support the idea that presenting optional 401(k) plan information in a simpler,...
Data and Research | July 10th, 2018 Many Millennials, Gen Xers Don’t Expect to Receive Social Security Yet, a significant number are not saving for retirement at all.
Products | June 27th, 2018 Principal Offers Retirement Plan Solution for Small and Mid-Sized Employers The solution offers participant features and additional customizable features typically enjoyed by larger corporations.
Products | June 25th, 2018 Retirement Plans Must Be Paired With Educational Programs Ongoing education makes participants aware of the plan and underscores its value.
Investing | June 12th, 2018 Vanguard Takes Own Funds Out of Its 401(k) Vanguard says it periodically reviews its investment menu
Compliance | June 11th, 2018 Appellate Court Rejects Bank of America Participants’ Claim for More Relief Noting that the bank already made restitution to the participants under an IRS closing agreement, the 4th Circuit agreed with...
Data and Research | June 7th, 2018 Most Americans Have Not Figured Out How Much is Needed to Retire Among those who have made an estimate, the median amount is $650,000, learned in a survey.
Data and Research | May 17th, 2018 Commitment to 401(k) Investing Remains Strong A mere 2.7% of Americans stopped contributing to their defined contribution plan in 2017, the ICI reports.
Data and Research | May 16th, 2018 Americans Would Like Retirement Security Laws Passed Eighty percent of American workers surveyed said they would like to hear congressional candidates discuss retirement security.