Compliance | October 6th, 2005 Westar K Plan Stock Suit Stays Alive October 6, 2005 ( - A Kansas federal judge has cleared the way for a K plan fiduciary breach lawsuit...
Benefits | September 29th, 2005 Increase Contributions to Increase Retirement Wealth September 29, 2005 ( - A new study by Putnam Investments found that contribution rate increases have more impact on...
Benefits | September 28th, 2005 401(k)'s See Average Balance Increase of 36% Over 5 Year Period September 28, 2005 ( - The average balance increase for 401(k) accounts continuously maintained from 1999 to 2004 was 36%,...
Compliance | September 27th, 2005 Bill Proposes The Principal and ASPPA DB(k) Plan Concept September 27, 2005 ( - Representatives Rob Andrews (D-NJ) and Jim Nussle, (R-IA) are co-sponsoring a bill called the Small...
Benefits | September 26th, 2005 Study: K Plan Popularity Exploded in Past Decade September 26, 2005 ( - The popularity of the 401(k) retirement plan has skyrocketed over the last 10 years, according...
Benefits | September 9th, 2005 American Airlines Issues Frequent Trading Restrictions on 401(k) September 9, 2005 ( - American Airlines has issued frequent trading restrictions on its 401(k) plan, following the lead of...
Investing | September 8th, 2005 Katrina Draws August K Plan Assets into Fixed Income September 8, 2005 ( - Despite a noticeable K plan participant exodus out of equities and into fixed income as...
Benefits | September 7th, 2005 Increased Plan Participation Among Health Care Workers September 7, 2005 ( - The American Hospital Association (AHA) reports that the median participation rates of health care employees...
Compliance | August 22nd, 2005 DoL Plans Regulation to Encourage Auto Enrollment August 22, 2005 ( - The Department of Labor (DoL) plans to propose a regulation by the end of the...
Benefits | August 4th, 2005 Fidelity Study Shows 401(k) Investments Reach Five-Year High August 4, 2005 ( - Fidelity's annual study on the state of its 401(k) plans, Building Futures, shows that average...
Investing | July 21st, 2005 Participants Continue Trend Fleeing Stock in Favor of Fixed Income July 21, 2005 ( - Continuing the trend for 2005, participants are fleeing equity funds in favor of fixed income...
Benefits | July 19th, 2005 HP Freezes DB Plan and Retiree Medical Program for Younger Workers July 19, 2005 ( - Tucked away in Tuesday's announcement of planned massive layoffs at HP was word that the...
Benefits | July 13th, 2005 Study: Auto Enroll Programs Boost Lower Income Participants the Most July 13, 2005 ( - Lower-income workers stand to benefit the most from auto enrollment in 401(k) plan as they...
Benefits | June 14th, 2005 Hewitt: Auto Plan Features on the Rise in 2005 June 14, 2005 ( - An increasing number of companies with K plans are using automatic enrollment and/or automatic rebalancing,...
Investing | April 26th, 2005 401(k) Balances In the Black After Five Years of Seeing Red April 26, 2005 ( - The bear market of the past few years is finally seeping out of 401(k) retirement...
Investing | April 26th, 2005 401(k) Balances In the Black After Five Years of Seeing Red April 26, 2005 ( - The bear market of the past few years is finally seeping out of 401(k) retirement...
Investing | April 7th, 2005 401(k) Participants Go to International. Then Stable Funds in March April 7, 2005 ( - 401(k) participants first poured assets into international and emerging market funds in March, but then...
Investing | April 7th, 2005 401(k) Participants Go to International. Then Stable Funds in March April 7, 2005 ( - 401(k) participants first poured assets into international and emerging market funds in March, but then...
Benefits | April 7th, 2005 401(k) Automatic Enrollment Support Bill Introduced in Congress April 7, 2005 ( - A Democratic Representative in the US House has introduced a bill that would make it...
Benefits | April 4th, 2005 401(k) Participants Fail Retirement Quiz April 4, 2005 ( - It should come as no surprise to the retirement community that half of the respondents...