Compliance | June 12th, 2024 Retirement Plan Lawsuit Targets Texas Health Care System Retirement plan participants alleged fiduciary breaches occurred within the Houston-based health care system’s 401(k) and 403(b) plans.
Administration | February 8th, 2024 How Should Plan Sponsors Stand Up a New Retirement Plan Committee? Plan sponsors can find education and training for their retirement plan committees from several sources, but how best to build...
Administration | February 7th, 2024 How Sponsors Can Get the Most out of DC Plan Design Changes Annuities may be a hot topic, but sponsors can add the most value to plans by incorporating features like auto-enrollment...
Benefits | February 7th, 2024 DOL Prevails in Court Orders, Removing TPA From Acting as Fiduciary for Sponsors The regulator prevailed in motions against a Pennsylvania retirement third-party administrator it alleges stole $5.5 million in retirement plan assets...
Data and Research | August 17th, 2023 Auto Default Contributions Hit High of 4.1% Among Fidelity Participants The recordkeeper also found retirement saving balances rebounding with stronger market performance in Q2.
Compliance | November 18th, 2022 SECURE 2.0: What’s Not to Like? Nothing, Apparently. It is becoming harder and harder to find a party who offers anything other than support for SECURE 2.0.
Compliance | November 8th, 2022 403(b) Plans May Apply for IRS Determination Letters Starting Next June The IRS will provide determination and termination letters to 403(b) plans beginning next June.
Investing | September 15th, 2022 Wilmington Trust Launches CIT Onboarding Tool The tool for employer-sponsored plans seeks ‘democratization’ of the use of collective investment trusts.
Data and Research | September 14th, 2022 Social Security Fears Drive Early Benefit Claims Schroders finds that almost half of workers surveyed have no strategy to generate retirement income.
Compliance | July 19th, 2022 SEC Secures Sizable Settlement From Equitable Financial According to an SEC announcement, Equitable gave investors the false impression that their quarterly account statements listed all fees paid...
Compliance | July 5th, 2022 Hopes Are High for Lame-Duck Passage of SECURE 2.0 One retirement industry policy expert says the conversations she is having on Capitol Hill make her optimistic that the ambitious...
Data and Research | May 12th, 2022 401(k) vs. 403(b): Different Paths to Retirement Readiness Studies find differences in 403(b) and 401(k) plan design and participant behavior, but both plan types are increasing in importance...
Products | June 25th, 2021 New TPA to Focus on 403(b), 457 Education & Service The TPA will give sponsors a platform where they can centralize these functions.
Compliance | May 5th, 2021 SECURE Act 2.0 Passed Unanimously by Ways and Means Committee A rare unanimous affirmative voice vote by the Ways and Means Committee allows the SECURE Act 2.0 to be considered...
Compliance | January 15th, 2021 UPenn Agrees to $13M 403(b) Plan Lawsuit Settlement The newly published text of the settlement agreement and accompanying order include significant non-monetary actions to be undertaken by UPenn.
Compliance | December 4th, 2020 UPenn Will Settle ERISA Fiduciary Breach Lawsuit The filing of a stay motion related to a forthcoming settlement represents the beginning of the end for the complicated...
Compliance | November 6th, 2020 IRS Publishes Guidance for Terminating 403(b) Plans In tandem with the Treasury Department, the IRS is also requesting comments on the application of annuity and spousal rights...
Participants | August 5th, 2020 Reaching K-12 403(b) Plan Participants During the Pandemic School districts will find that advisers who normally camp out in the cafeteria or teachers’ lounge are striving to continue...
Ask the Experts | February 25th, 2020 Are PEPs Available to 403(b) Plan Sponsors? Experts from Groom Law Group and Cammack Retirement Group answer questions concerning retirement plan administration and regulations.
Data and Research | August 26th, 2019 2019 PLANSPONSOR Defined Contribution Survey Open Sponsors of defined contribution (DC) plans are invited to respond to our annual DC Survey. The survey is our largest...