Compliance | November 27th, 2019 What U.S. Retirement Plans Should Know About GDPR It’s not just multinational employers that need to understand and potentially comply with the European Union’s strict data privacy laws.
Benefits | May 22nd, 2019 HSA Cybersecurity: A Threat That is Growing Health savings account (HSA) holders are encouraged to save the money in their accounts for long-term health care expenses, but...
Administration | May 16th, 2019 AICPA Reminds Plan Sponsors of Record Retention Rules A plan advisory explains Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) rules for record retention and offers best practices for that...
Products | November 29th, 2018 Account Lock Feature Launched by Milliman Once a participant has elected to “lock” their account, the individual will receive a special code to use in the...
Administration | September 27th, 2017 SPARK Releases Best Practices for Cyber Security Capability Reporting The best practices tell retirement plan recordkeepers how they should report their cyber security capabilities to plan sponsors and advisers.