Participants | January 4th, 2018 Public Pension Fund Members Largely Unaware of Underfunding Public pension fund members surveyed expressed interest in more transparency about pension fund investments and investment returns.
Administration | December 27th, 2017 Reducing PBGC Premiums by Splitting Up a DB Plan The idea is to put participants with lesser unfunded vested benefits (UVBs) in one plan, and those with greater UVBs...
Compliance | December 21st, 2017 PBGC Expands Missing Participants Program Beginning in January, terminating DC plans will have the option of transferring missing participants’ benefits to PBGC instead of establishing...
Compliance | December 20th, 2017 PBGC Amends Regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans A final rule provides a new table for determining expected retirement ages for participants in pension plans undergoing distress or...
Compliance | December 18th, 2017 IRS Issues Mortality Tables to Be Used for DB Plans in 2019 The updated mortality improvement rates and static tables apply for purposes of calculating the funding target and other items for...
Investing | December 11th, 2017 More DB Plans Using LDI Strategies Eighty-one percent of pension plan professionals say funded status volatility is their top motivating factor for pursuing an LDI strategy.
Investing | December 11th, 2017 CIT’s Costs Attract Institutional Investors A report from Cerulli Associates states the primary reason an institutional investor seeks out a CIT is the fact that...
Administration | December 11th, 2017 Firms Agree Pension Funded Status Increased in November Firms that track DB plan funding reported increases in the month ranging from 0.4% to 1.0%.
Compliance | December 6th, 2017 Court Decision in PBGC Suit Shows Sponsors Have Ultimate Fiduciary Liability “IHI cannot delegate fully its statutory responsibilities under ERISA,” a federal judge says in her opinion.
Data and Research | November 30th, 2017 Health Care Organizations Move From 403(b)s to 401(k)s Facing several uncertainties in the health care industry, organizations are looking to revamp their retirement plans to attract talent.
Administration | November 29th, 2017 DB Plan Sponsors Should Balance Four Levers to Improve Funding No lever alone is enough to close the pension funding gap, according to a report from Cambridge Associates.
Compliance | November 27th, 2017 Democrats Unveil Bill to Create Rehabilitation Trust Fund The fund would be used to make loans to multiemployer defined benefit (DB) plans that are in critical or declining...
Compliance | November 22nd, 2017 2017 Year-End Deadlines and Tips for Retirement Plans 2017 happens to be a light year for required plan amendments for retirement plans.
Compliance | November 21st, 2017 PBGC Asks Permission to Keep Collecting Information on Plan Terminations The request regards distress terminations and PBGC-initiated terminations of DB plans.
Investing | November 16th, 2017 Willis Towers Watson Redefines Pension Plan Investing Strategy for 2018 The consultancy identifies 10 investment-related terms rendered outdated by change.
Compliance | November 14th, 2017 IRS Releases Covered Compensation Tables The tables are to be used for determining contributions to DB plans and permitted disparity in DC plan contributions.
Administration | November 10th, 2017 Reports of Pension Funded Status for October Are Mixed Those tracking S&P plans estimate a slight decrease in or flat pension funding ratio, while other estimate a slight increase....
Data and Research | November 9th, 2017 Church Pension Group Says Move to DC Plan Not for Benefit of Participants The group says it has considered moving from a DB plan for clergy to a DC plan and concluded that...
Compliance | November 9th, 2017 Sears Allowed to Sell Real Estate to Fund Pension According to a Sears announcement, following the making of a $407 million contribution, it will be nearly relieved of the...
Ask the Experts | October 30th, 2017 A Special Halloween Edition “Do the Experts have any Treats for us this Halloween, or only Tricks?”