Investing | October 30th, 2017 NEPC Suggests Ways Pensions Can Boost Returns NEPC says pension plan sponsors' expected returns are unrealistic.
Administration | October 27th, 2017 Returns Boost Pension Funded Ratios in Q3 2017 Funded status of the typical corporate pension plan increased by 1% or 2% over the quarter, depending on the model...
Data and Research | October 19th, 2017 GAO Calls on Congress to Improve Retirement Security in America According to the GAO report, the three pillars of the current retirement system in the United States are anticipated to...
Compliance | October 18th, 2017 PBGC Tries Mediation for Certain DB Plan Cases “By providing an alternative dispute resolution option for employers who sponsor ongoing and terminated plans, we expect to save time...
Administration | October 9th, 2017 Corporate Bond Yields Have a Positive Effect on Pension Funding in September Asset managers that monitor DB plan funded status found 1% through 1.3% increases last month.
Compliance | October 4th, 2017 IRS Issues Final Regulations About Mortality Tables In a statement, ERIC said it is pleased the agency took into account its request for flexibility for DB plan...
Administration | October 4th, 2017 Levers to Enhance DB Plan Portfolio Outcomes Researchers examine three levers that defined benefit plans can use to enhance portfolio outcomes in a low-interest-rate environment.
Compliance | October 3rd, 2017 PBGC Issues Guidance About Active Participant Reduction Reportable Event A technical update provides an alternative method for determining whether reporting an attrition event to the PBGC is required.
Compliance | October 2nd, 2017 PBGC Makes Proposals About Plan Terminations The agency is proposing that termination forms may be filed electronically and that plan sponsors be offered a pre-filing consultation.
Administration | September 28th, 2017 DB Plans Far From Being Eliminated Aon shows only 6% of U.S. corporate DB plan obligations have actually been settled since 2012.
Compliance | September 26th, 2017 PBGC Announces Relief Due to Hurricane Maria The relief applies to PBGC premiums, single-employer plan terminations, reportable event notices, annual employer reporting, requests for reconsideration or appeals...
Compliance | September 19th, 2017 PBGC Proposes Changes to Form 5500 Reporting by DB Plans The agency is proposing two modifications for multiemployer plans and one modification for single-employer plans.
Products | September 19th, 2017 MassMutual Launches Tool to Gauge DB Plan Health As part of the analysis of pension investments, the PensionSmart Analysis tool can examine different investment “glide path” options to...
Administration | September 19th, 2017 PBGC Premiums Driving DB Plan Sponsors to Fund, De-Risk “Companies feel that the time is right to reduce or eliminate their pension funding shortfalls.” says Matt McDaniel, partner, Mercer.
Data and Research | September 11th, 2017 Improving Retirement Outcomes Considering Low Returns and Longevity In addition to saving more and working later, researchers from State Street Global Advisors suggest policy changes that could improve...
Administration | September 8th, 2017 Cooler Markets, Lower Interest Rates Cause DB Plan Funded Status to Decline Asset management firms estimate pension funding ratios declined slightly in August, but most say they are up for the year.
Administration | September 7th, 2017 DB Plan Sponsors Preparing for PRTs The most common preparatory steps taken include an evaluation of the financial impact of a pension risk transfer; discussions with...
Investing | September 7th, 2017 For Some DB Plan Types IDL, Not LDI, Is the Answer John Lowell, with October Three, says for two types of DB plans, investment-driven liabilities (IDL) is almost risk free for...
Investing | September 6th, 2017 U.S. Has Largest Share of Pension Assets Globally Across the top 300 funds globally, U.S. funds represent 38.6% of assets.
Compliance | September 5th, 2017 IRS Again Extends Closed DB Plan Nondiscrimination Relief The relief is available for plan years beginning before 2019.