Compliance | July 21st, 2020 Parties Bow Out of Case Challenging DB Plan Calculations The case against American Airlines is one of several alleging that the use of outdated mortality tables in determining DB...
Administration | July 16th, 2020 Forty Percent of DB Plans Could Adopt Strategies to Lower PBGC Premiums Strategies regarding timing and recording of pension contributions translate to millions of dollars in lower PBGC premiums, according to a...
Administration | July 10th, 2020 How DB Plans Fare During Volatility Depends Greatly on Portfolio Allocation Depending on asset allocation, some plans have fared better than others, but the majority are down for the year.
Opinions | June 12th, 2020 DB Plan Sponsors Should Be Conscious of Liquidity Tom Cassara and Michael Clark, with River and Mercantile, discuss why pension plan sponsors should pay attention to liquidity and...
Administration | June 10th, 2020 Corporate Pensions See Slight Funded Status Boost in May Markets are rebounding, but discount rates used to measure liabilities are falling, and pension consultants wonder if pending legislation will...
Opinions | June 9th, 2020 Variable/Adjustable Pension Plans Richard Hudson, with First Actuarial Consulting, discusses a new DB plan design that addresses single-employer plan sponsors’ concerns about maintaining...
Products | June 3rd, 2020 Club Vita Longevity Analytics Integrated With DB Plan Valuation Software The partnership enables WinTech’s users to seamlessly use Club Vita’s personalized suite of survival tables.
Compliance | June 2nd, 2020 Can the DOL Effectively Police Pension Fiduciary Breaches Alone? One attorney suggests the Supreme Court’s opinion in Thole v. U.S. Bank ‘pushes the ability of participants in a defined...
Compliance | June 1st, 2020 Has the Supreme Court ‘Gutted’ ERISA Protections for Pensioners? Plaintiffs’ attorneys, bemoaning the new Supreme Court ruling in Thole v. U.S. Bank, say participants in defined benefit plans are...
Compliance | June 1st, 2020 IRS Provides Additional Deadline Relief to Plan Sponsors Deadlines have been moved for single-employer and multiemployer DB plans and 403(b) plans, among others.
Investing | May 28th, 2020 Rethinking Portfolio Strategies for DB Plans What strategies should plan sponsors consider for reaching their goals in the new market environment?
Administration | May 28th, 2020 How to Manage DB Plans Through the Crisis Experts expect the market volatility will continue for an unknown amount of time, so DB plan sponsors must be flexible...
Compliance | May 22nd, 2020 Implementation of Coronavirus-Related Distributions in DB Plans DB plan sponsors may want to offer coronavirus-related distributions under the CARES Act, but should understand certain rules before doing...
Compliance | May 15th, 2020 CARES Act May Help DB Plans Avoid Funding-Based Limitations DB plan sponsors can use help provided in the CARES Act and take other actions to avoid falling into funded...
Data and Research | May 11th, 2020 DB Funded Status Estimates Are Mixed in April Sources say volatility will continue for pensions, and risk remains in equity markets.
Administration | May 8th, 2020 COVID-19 Has Put Some PRTs Behind Schedule DB plan sponsors are weighing their options for pension risk transfers and trying to balance what’s best not just for...
Compliance | April 30th, 2020 Lawsuit Challenging Pension Transfer in Corporate Restructuring Dismissed A federal district court judge noted that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has held that the “decision to...
Investing | April 28th, 2020 Fixed Income Allocations Suppressed Potential Losses for ERISA Pension Plans Of the three institutional segments tracked by Northern Trust, corporate ERISA pension plans performed the best during 1Q 2020.
Opinions | April 15th, 2020 DB Plan Sponsors Should Develop a Strategy Now for the Next Market Fallout Plan sponsors that already have an LDI strategy in place may be able to better capture opportunities in the current...
Compliance | April 14th, 2020 PBGC Extends Certain Premium Payment and Filing Deadlines The action is in response to an IRS extension of some retirement plans’ Form 5500 filing deadlines.