Deals and People | January 28th, 2025 Kivett Appointed 1st Head of Defined Contribution at KKR The veteran of TIAA and Prudential started in the new role in December.
Benefits | November 1st, 2024 Personalization Push Persists Increased data availability has led to many more ways to customize the management of retirement portfolios.
Data and Research | August 29th, 2024 Deadline Extended for Participating in the 2024 PLANSPONSOR DC Survey Plan sponsors have until November 8 to complete the survey that can help them learn how their retirement plan stacks...
Opinions | August 15th, 2024 The Golden Anniversary of ERISA: Celebrating Progress and Charting the Future of Retirement Security As we mark the 50th anniversary of the law, it is an opportune moment to reflect on its profound impact...
Benefits | July 1st, 2024 Design Options: Building Strong Retirement Plans Retirement plan designs that include features and investment options incorporating retirement income into defined contribution plans are a 'good starting...
Compliance | October 11th, 2023 PLANSPONSOR Roadmap: SECURE 2.0 GPS Experts review the road map for current and upcoming dates of the retirement legislation.
Compliance | October 2nd, 2023 Retirement Contribution Limits, COLA Stay on Track With Continuing Resolution The DC contribution limit was projected to be $23,000 for 2024, and the IRS should stay on track in implementing...
Data and Research | May 4th, 2023 DC Plan Sponsors Should Pay Attention to Increased Litigation, Low Retirement Confidence The first quarter of 2023 in the defined contribution market saw an uptick in lawsuits, many legislative and regulatory changes...
Administration | April 25th, 2023 Transamerica Signs On as Recordkeeper for Smart’s ‘Choice PEP’ Smart Retirement Solutions’ new pooled employer plan aims to create a 401(k) retirement solution for employers looking to reduce their...
Investing | April 18th, 2023 DC Council Expects Increase in Real Estate Investing Real estate allocations can strengthen participant outcomes and reduce volatility, according to the Defined Contribution Real Estate Council.
Data and Research | April 13th, 2023 Plan Sponsors Seek Liquid, Portable Retirement Income Solutions Most plan sponsors hope their retirement income solutions provide a paycheck-like experience to participants, T. Rowe Price research found.
Data and Research | April 6th, 2023 DC Plan Sponsors Increased Focus on Cutting Fees, Protecting Against Litigation in 2022 Callan’s Defined Contribution Trends Survey revealed that plan sponsors had increased interest in DEI efforts and eliminating fees in 2022.
Benefits | April 3rd, 2023 How Plan Sponsors Can Offer Backdoor Roth Conversions Is a strategy that allows high-earners to roll over some of their retirement money into a Roth account worth the...
Investing | March 14th, 2023 2023 DB Summit: Factors in DB Plan Decisionmaking To keep the defined benefit plans active or not? That is the question for many plan sponsors.
Benefits | October 25th, 2022 U.K. Nest Pension Auto Enrollment Remains ‘Robust’ Despite turbulent year, auto-enrollment continues to thrive, with opt outs lower than expected.
Data and Research | October 25th, 2022 GAO Study Highlights Increased Mortality of Impoverished Seniors The U.S. is more unequal than the other countries studied, low income and wealth are associated with higher mortality, and...
Deals and People | September 15th, 2022 EBRI CEO Lori Lucas Announces Pending Retirement Lucas will stay at the helm through the end of the year while helping the research group source its next...
Compliance | August 22nd, 2022 Plaintiffs Say Swiss Re Plan Fiduciaries Committed Breaches The plaintiffs suggest their retirement plan’s fiduciaries failed to fully disclose the expenses and risk of the plan’s investment options...
Compliance | August 18th, 2022 In Private Letter Ruling, IRS Permits DB-to-DC Asset Transfer The ruling only applies to the case at hand, but there are still lessons to be learned from an employer’s...
Compliance | August 1st, 2022 Where Does the Securing a Strong Retirement Act Stand? Experts are optimistic regarding the future of the retirement reform legislation that seeks to build on the SECURE Act, but...