Data and Research | March 6th, 2018 BlackRock DC Pulse Survey Highlights Sponsor Decumulation Challenge More plan sponsors this year than last have voiced a concern that their workers may have to delay retirement; this...
Data and Research | March 5th, 2018 Pension Funds See Fees Creep Up as DC Plans Cut Costs Since the last study of this kind by CEM Benchmarking, average DB fund costs have increased from 0.40% to 0.60%,...
Data and Research | March 2nd, 2018 Americans Saving Nearly 8% for Retirement This increases to 8.9% for men and decreases to 6.4% for women.
Data and Research | March 2nd, 2018 DB Plans a Thing of the Past for Most Fortune 500 Companies A mere 16% currently offer a pension plan to new hires.
Participants | February 28th, 2018 Social Security Sophistication Can Boost Employees’ Retirement Outlook A lack of sophisticated advice and support solutions for optimizing Social Security claiming decisions is holding employees back from achieving...
Administration | February 27th, 2018 Transamerica Requires TPAs for Small Plans, Reflecting Competitive Landscape Our series of behind-the-scenes articles speaking with new and established retirement plan service providers about their biggest challenges and opportunities...
Compliance | February 22nd, 2018 California Proposal Seeks Shift from Public DB to DC Under a new bill in the California legislature, the state’s Human Resources Department would administer and oversee a defined contribution-type...
Products | February 21st, 2018 FixedFee401k Promises DC Plan Market Disruption The firm wants to pretty much completely change the basic pricing of 401(k) plans in the small- and mid-market by...
Investing | February 15th, 2018 Can DB Plans Offer a Better TDF Selection and Monitoring Framework? ERISA requires plan sponsors to regularly monitor investment lineups to ensure they remain prudent—a task made more complicated by the...
Investing | February 7th, 2018 Market Volatility a Good Time to Remind Participants About the Fundamentals Data from the Alight Solutions 401(k) Index already shows retirement plan participants are reacting poorly to this latest round of...
Deals and People | February 2nd, 2018 Retirement Industry People Moves OneAmerica Reveals Leadership Changes Within Company; TRA Acquires ACS to Expand Northeast Region; USI Hires SVP and Regional Sales Director;...
Compliance | January 26th, 2018 Dismissal of Capital Group Self-Dealing ERISA Challenge Offers Fiduciary Insight With the new opinion, the district court seeks to make clear where the line is when it comes to pleading...
Compliance | January 24th, 2018 Ruling in Charles Schwab Self-Dealing Suit Suggests Limits of Arbitration Agreements For one thing, a federal court judge found the defendants provide no authority supporting their contention that a plan document...
Investing | January 23rd, 2018 Vanguard and Fidelity Fee Arrangement Shifts, Reflecting Industry Trends Fidelity confirms that it will soon begin charging a 0.05% fee on assets invested through its platform into Vanguard products.
Investing | January 22nd, 2018 TDFs Have Improved Participant Diversification About a third of participants across Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers who self-manage the investment of their plan accounts...
Investing | January 22nd, 2018 Greater Use of Passive Funds Built Directly on TDF Popularity Looking at asset flow data provided by Wells Fargo, there is very little money going into the standalone index equity...
Data and Research | January 19th, 2018 Unbundled Plans Gained Significant Ground in 2017 Today, just 8.8% of “mega plans” with assets greater than $1 billion utilize a fully bundled structure.
Products | January 16th, 2018 SPARK Rolls Out Updated RFP Guide The new edition aims to support the needs of employers providing defined contribution plans by enabling service providers to prepare...
Compliance | January 2nd, 2018 House Bill Seeks Retirement Plan ‘Simplification and Enhancement’ Alongside numerous changes, the bill seeks to eliminate the current 10% cap on automatically-increased deferral rates of employees who are...
Products | December 26th, 2017 ICMA-RC Enhances Participant and Plan Administrative Portals A new public website has simpler navigation features, straightforward design, targeted messaging and an increased focus on educational tools.