Administration | March 14th, 2025 Retirees Taking 1st RMDs Must Do So by April 1 The IRS rule applies to most participants in workplace retirement plans and all traditional IRA owners.
Benefits | November 15th, 2024 IRS Increases Tax-Free IRA Charitable Donation Limit to $105,000 for 2024 The annual cap rises from the previous $100,000 limit.
Products | February 29th, 2024 Investment Product and Service Launches T. Rowe Price using Clearwater Analytics’ stable value investments; Robinhood kicks off gig workplace IRA offering with employers including Grubhub;...
Benefits | February 27th, 2024 Surging Stocks Helped Drive Q4 Jump in Fidelity 401(k) Millionaire Accounts The number of 401(k) accounts with balances exceeding $1 million at Fidelity rose 20% in the final months of 2023.
Data and Research | August 17th, 2023 Auto Default Contributions Hit High of 4.1% Among Fidelity Participants The recordkeeper also found retirement saving balances rebounding with stronger market performance in Q2.
Compliance | July 17th, 2023 IRS Gives Extra Time to Fix RMDs Made Erroneously Under SECURE 2.0 The IRS notice also allows IRA beneficiaries to not take RMDs this year from accounts inherited in 2020 or later.
Benefits | June 1st, 2023 How Plan Sponsors Can Shift Focus to Decumulation As most retirees no longer rely on a pension for lifetime income, plan sponsors should be exploring benefits that will...
June 1st, 2023 Interest Grows Among Employers in Retaining Retiree Assets In-Plan Cost, administrative work and fiduciary duties are all considerations when contemplating changing from traditional retirement plan structures.
Benefits | June 1st, 2023 Robust Retirement Tiers Can Help Keep Participants In-Plan Plan sponsors who want to continue serving their retirees need to give them a reason to stay.
Compliance | May 23rd, 2023 Participant Data Breach Hits Retirement Clearinghouse The clearinghouse alerted more than 10,000 people that private information, including IRA account data, may have been stolen.
Compliance | October 10th, 2022 IRS Issues Update on 10-Year RMD Rule The updated guidance waives the excise tax for those who failed to take a required minimum distribution in 2021 and...
Investing | August 24th, 2022 Retirement Plans Outperformed the S&P 500 During a Volatile Second Quarter 401(k) savings rates remained near record levels.
Administration | August 2nd, 2022 IRS Updates Life Expectancy Tables for Retirees The tax and spending watchdog has changed the defined contribution account withdrawal rules for retirement plan participants.
Compliance | April 25th, 2022 Some New RMD Rules Creating Confusion for Participants and Beneficiaries Retirement plan sponsors cannot give advice, but they’ll likely get questions about distributions from inherited accounts.
Investing | March 29th, 2022 Retirement Account Assets Reached New High in 2021 In an economy with significant momentum but also headwinds and pain points, new data from the Investment Company Institute shows...
Data and Research | January 25th, 2022 OregonSaves Program Is Helping Boost Employees’ Retirement Savings Academic research analyzed the auto-enrollment IRA program for private sector workers.
Ask the Experts | October 12th, 2021 403(b) Account Rollover for Non-Spouse Beneficiary Experts from Groom Law Group and CAPTRUST answer questions concerning retirement plan administration and regulations.
Products | June 10th, 2021 Investment Product and Service Launches Transamerica announces latest R6 share classes and ESG Asset launches new capital health care disruptors fund.
Compliance | June 2nd, 2021 Senators Introduce Enhancing Emergency and Retirement Savings Act It would allow retirement plan participants and IRA holders to take money out of their accounts tax-free.
Products | May 25th, 2021 FPS, iJoin Streamline Rollovers from 401(k)s to IRAs The automated service is for accounts that have $5,000 or less.