Participants | May 24th, 2021 How to Get Participants to Really Think Twice About Early Withdrawals Educating participants and offering them guidance on rollovers can substantially reduce loans, hardship withdrawals and cash-outs, experts say.
Products | March 23rd, 2021 Automated Force-Out IRA Processing Now Available from iJoin, PenChecks The firms say it can help employers, who won’t need to respond to as many inquiries from former employees about...
Benefits | March 12th, 2021 Oklahoma Looks to Create State-Run IRA The bills introduced in the state legislature would require companies with 10 or more employees that have been in business...
Compliance | December 15th, 2020 DOL Adopts New Prohibited Transaction Exemption The regulator has finalized a potentially important new prohibited transaction exemption.
Ask the Experts | October 13th, 2020 Do Income Limits Apply When Making Roth Contributions to a 403(b)? Experts from Groom Law Group and Cammack Retirement Group answer questions concerning retirement plan administration and regulations.
Compliance | September 4th, 2020 SECURE Act Compliance Q&A Published by IRS The guidance document includes an extensive number of questions and answers about five key changes made by the SECURE Act.
Data and Research | August 21st, 2020 Those Who Have Both a 401(k) and IRA Have Higher Savings EBRI found individuals able to consistently contribute to both could end up with around 2.5 times more savings for retirement.
Data and Research | August 12th, 2020 Roth IRAs Popular Among Younger Retirement Savers Katie Taylor, with Fidelity Investments, shares the reasons for the appeal and why plan sponsors should tout Roth accounts they...
Data and Research | June 25th, 2019 Participants Lack Knowledge About Retirement Plan Rollovers Forty-two percent don’t even know it is possible to keep assets in a plan once one leaves an employer.
Data and Research | May 9th, 2019 Fidelity Analysis Shows Advantage of Long-Term Investing for Retirement In the decade following the Great Recession of 2008, for participants who remained invested in their 401(k)s, overall, average balances...
Data and Research | November 5th, 2018 Years of Positive Retirement Savings Behaviors Lead to Record Balances The average 401(k) balance reached an all-time high of $106,500 in the third quarter, and the average 403(b) balance is...
Data and Research | September 18th, 2018 ICI: IRAs Continue to Serve American Savers Well Both traditional and Roth IRAs serve Americans of all ages.
Data and Research | August 16th, 2018 Plan Sponsors Stepping Up Their Auto Enrollment Game The percentage of employers that default participants at a 6% deferral rate or higher more than doubled in the past...
Data and Research | July 31st, 2018 Half of Retirement Savers Think They Are Behind Ninety-eight percent wish there was a way to make up for lost time, but 63% say they cannot take the...
Data and Research | June 19th, 2018 Brokerage Accounts, Dividends Critical Sources of Retirement Income Together, they supply 40% of retirees’ income.
Data and Research | May 16th, 2018 Procrastinating Retirement Savings Is Americans’ Biggest Financial Regret That is followed by not saving for an emergency, and taking on too much credit card and too much student...
Data and Research | February 27th, 2018 Americans Underutilizing Retirement Savings Accounts Fifty-one percent are not actively contributing to a 401(k) plan, Edward Jones found in a survey.
Data and Research | February 8th, 2018 Fidelity Finds Increase in Retirement Plan Millionaires The number of 401(k) savers with at least $1 million in their 401(k) increased to 150,000 at the end of...
Data and Research | February 2nd, 2018 Americans Confident DC Plans Can Help Them Meet Their Goals They like the tax advantages, investment opportunities and investor control that 401(k)s and other DC plans offer them, ICI finds.
Products | January 29th, 2018 TD Ameritrade and FeeX Partner on DC Plan Fee Analyzer Participants in 401(k), 403(b) or other defined contribution (DC) plans can compare administration and individual mutual fund fees to fees...