Investing | October 16th, 2024 Stable Value Funds Attract Attention in Rate-Cutting Environment The slower response to interest-rate changes may benefit retirement plan investors, if the Fed continues to cut.
Compliance | May 23rd, 2024 SEC Might Drop Swing Pricing from Mutual Fund Liquidity Proposal Instead, they would likely adopt liquidity fees, though Chair Gensler did not say so explicitly.
Compliance | September 14th, 2023 Lawmakers From Both Parties Call on SEC to Withdraw Swing Pricing Rule Opponents say the proposed regulation on mutual funds would create a two-tiered system that disadvantages retail and retirement investors.
Compliance | July 12th, 2023 SEC Updates Gate Structure, Liquidity Fees for Money Market Funds The new rules are designed to increase MMF liquidity and protect investors from runs on the funds, starting in 2024.
Compliance | May 31st, 2023 Vanguard to Pay FINRA $800,000 for Money Market Errors The firm cited ‘technical’ issues in a letter of acceptance for overstating projections for 8.5 million accounts.
Investing | November 7th, 2022 October Was Another Light Trading Month For 401(k) Investors Traders favored stable value funds, with outflows coming from target-date funds and company stocks.
Investing | October 12th, 2022 401(k) Trading in September Reflects Worst Month Since March 2020 Traders favored equities in the beginning of the third quarter as Wall Street posted gaining, but they preferred fixed-income funds...
Investing | September 7th, 2022 August 401(k) Trading Sees 2nd Lowest Trading Month The latest data from Alight Solutions show two above-normal trading days in August, with investors favoring equities during 13 of...
Investing | August 9th, 2022 401(k) Trading Light in July Despite Market Gains Stable value funds topped inflows, while most outflows were from target-date funds, according to Alight Solutions data.
Investing | July 13th, 2022 401(k) Investors Favored Fixed-Income Funds in June All but three days in the month had net trading flows going from equities to fixed income.
Investing | June 3rd, 2022 401(k) Traders Active but Cautious The latest data from Alight Solutions shows 12 above-normal trading days in May.
Participants | May 9th, 2022 401(k) Trading Slows as Investors Remain Cautious The latest data from Alight Solutions shows there were no above-normal trading days in April.
Compliance | April 7th, 2022 SEC’s Proposed Money Market Funds Rules Draw Opposition ’Swing pricing’ and liquidity minimums have at least one large asset manager threatening to exit the market.
Participants | April 5th, 2022 401(k) Index Shows Participants Favored Fixed Income Investors had net trading dollars move from equities to fixed income during more than two-thirds of the first quarter’s trading...
Compliance | December 16th, 2021 SEC Proposes New Money Market Fund Rules The proposed amendments are designed to address potential runs on money market funds during times of market stress.
Products | August 27th, 2020 Investment Product and Service Launches Vanguard makes changes to money market fund lineup, and S&P Dow Jones Indices announces changes to the DJIA.
Participants | April 22nd, 2020 Investors Rush to Stable Value, Money Market Funds in March Stable value funds took in 64% of the inflows and money market funds, 24%, according to the Alight Solutions 401(k)...
Investing | March 18th, 2020 News Reports Speak of 2008-Style Money Market Fund Guarantee Program Echoing a move last enacted during the Great Recession, the federal government is reportedly seeking to temporarily guarantee money market...
Investing | November 18th, 2019 The Evolving Nature of TDFs Since their introduction, TDFs usage has grown to dominate the retirement plan investment landscape, and innovation will continue this growth.
Investing | November 11th, 2019 SEC Finds Concerns About Money Market Funds and TDFs Among other things, the agency found some TDFs had marketing materials with asset allocation disclosures that differed from the TDFs’...