Compliance | September 14th, 2023 PBGC Grants $3.2M to Pennsylvania Construction Pension Fund The Plasterers and Cement Masons Local No. 94 Pension Fund will see a full restoration of cut benefits.
Compliance | September 8th, 2023 PBGC Grants $334 Million to Transportation Pension The pension would have had to cut benefits by 75% upon becoming insolvent.
Compliance | August 30th, 2023 PBGC Grants Four Struggling Pensions Close to $500 Million in Assistance One plan had been insolvent since 2009, and the grant will include back payments.
Compliance | August 18th, 2023 Pension Fund With Very Few Active Participants Granted $36.3M in SFA Funds The fund had a receiving-to-active participant ratio of nearly 50-to-1 as of 2021.
Compliance | August 17th, 2023 PBGC Looks to Modernize Actuarial Assumptions The proposal would change mortality tables and interest rate calculations.
Compliance | August 16th, 2023 Struggling Ohio Carpenter’s Pension Receives PBGC Aid $182.6 million in SFA money will be distributed to the plan to ensure its solvency to 2051.
Compliance | August 8th, 2023 Some 4010 Pension Filers May Qualify for Reporting Waiver Due to unusual market conditions, many 4010 filers will struggle to determine if they are required to file, so the...
Compliance | August 4th, 2023 Multiemployer Plans in Service, Printing, Manufacturing Receive More Than $1B in Assistance The three plans cover more than 30,000 participants across two states and Washington, D.C.
Administration | July 28th, 2023 Senate, House Far Apart on DOL Budget The two appropriation bills are about $4 billion apart in terms of discretionary funding for the department.
Compliance | July 24th, 2023 PBGC Issues FAQ on Acceptable SFA Investments Permissible return seeking assets are normally SEC-registered common stock, and investment grade fixed income includes investment-grade bonds and US treasuries.
Compliance | July 18th, 2023 Ownership Structure, Investment Strategies of Annuities Concern Sponsors, ERISA Council Says The ERISA Advisory Council discussed emerging trends in the annuities market, as well as concerns expressed by sponsors and other...
Compliance | July 17th, 2023 Manufacturing, Transportation, Retail Pension Funds Receive PBGC Bailouts Special Financial Assistance funds were granted to three struggling pension plans by the PBGC on July 11.
Compliance | July 11th, 2023 PBGC Modifies Benefit Payment Regulations for Terminated Single-Employer Plans The final rule clarifies lump sum payments, de minimis amounts and payments to estates.
Benefits | June 30th, 2023 PBGC Grants More Than $2 Billion to PACE and National Integrated Group Pensions Three smaller plans also received SFA assistance.
Compliance | June 22nd, 2023 PBGC Publishes Q3 Liability, Discount Rates Interest rates assessed to late payments and discount rates have been adjusted for Q3, the PBGC announced Wednesday.
Compliance | June 1st, 2023 Senate HELP Committee Asks DOL to Focus on 6 SECURE 2.0 Provisions Areas including emergency savings and employee ownership were identified as 2024 brings more SECURE 2.0 regulatory deadlines.
Compliance | May 15th, 2023 Teamsters Local 966 Receives $8 Million in PBGC Supplemental Assistance The New Jersey-based plan’s total aid from the PBGC now exceeds $60 million.
Compliance | May 4th, 2023 PBGC Grants More Than $600 Million to 3 Struggling Pension Funds The pensions are in the service, transportation and manufacturing industries.
Compliance | April 28th, 2023 Bakery Driver, Newspaper Guild Plans Receive SFA Funds The PBGC provided SFA assets to two soon-to-be-insolvent pensions, one from New Jersey and one in Pennsylvania.
Compliance | April 25th, 2023 DOL Offers Guidance for Multiemployer Plans Bulletin provides FAQ to help plans that received Special Financial Assistance meet notice requirements.