Compliance | April 10th, 2023 PBGC Provides More Than $400 Million in Supplemental Funding to New York Teamsters The NYS Teamsters Conference Plan has now received approximately $1.4 billion in total. The PBGC also provided supplemental relief to...
Compliance | February 21st, 2023 Transportation, Sheet Metal, Service and Manufacturer Pensions Receive PBGC Assistance Multiemployer pension plans from Baltimore, New York, Puerto Rico and Ohio received a total of $26.7 million of additional assistance.
Benefits | February 8th, 2023 Delphi Pension Restoration Bill is Reintroduced Bipartisan measure would restore pensions to more than 20,000 retirees and provide back pay for benefits that were cut.
Compliance | January 31st, 2023 1 New York, 2 Michigan Pension Plans Receive PBGC Assistance The three supplemental SFA packages provide a total of more than $200 million.
Compliance | January 27th, 2023 Ironworker and Plasterer Pension Funds Receive SFA Assistance From PBGC The two construction pension plans will receive more than $70 million in combined funds.
Compliance | January 18th, 2023 Special Financial Assistance Provided to 2 Additional Union Pensions The two union pensions, one in transportation and the other in graphic communications, will receive more than $100 million in...
Compliance | January 5th, 2023 ESOP Plan Faces Retirement Records Lawsuit When a former worker at medical technology company BD sought distribution of his vested and accrued retirement assets, the firm...
Compliance | December 22nd, 2022 Plan Sponsors That Like Saving Money Get Good News on Variable-Rate Premiums If SECURE 2.0 passes, PBGC would stop increasing the rate.
Compliance | December 15th, 2022 Two More Struggling Union Plans Receive PBGC Assistance The plans combine to cover more than 10,000 participants, and their aggregate PBGC assistance adds up to more than $700...
Compliance | December 13th, 2022 2023 ERISA Plan Compliance Calendar A schedule to help plan sponsors track important due dates for their plan
Benefits | December 8th, 2022 Central States Teamsters Pension Fund Becomes the Largest SFA Rescue The multiemployer plan will receive $35.8 billion in assistance, making it the largest bailout under the Special Financial Assistance program...
Compliance | December 2nd, 2022 New Jersey Teamsters Local 966 Receives $54.1 Million in PBGC Assistance Teamsters affiliates have received more than $1 billion dollars in PBGC assistance in the last two weeks.
Compliance | November 23rd, 2022 PBGC Grants $85 Million to Struggling Ohio Teamsters Pension The Ohio-based Teamsters Union Pension Plan was approaching insolvency, and its application for Special Financial Assistance was approved Tuesday.
Investing | November 21st, 2022 Struggling Teamsters Pension Receives Close to a Billion Dollars in Assistance The financing will allow the union pension to both satisfy monthly payments to beneficiaries and provide make-up payments.
Compliance | November 21st, 2022 PBGC Advisory Board Adds Four Presidential Nominees Four new appointees make a total of seven, charged with advising the PBGC on investments and other decisions.
Compliance | November 3rd, 2022 Ohio Bricklayers Pension Fund Gets PBGC Bailout The union plan had been severely underfunded for over a year but can now meet its liabilities to nearly 400...
Compliance | October 14th, 2022 PBGC Proposes Rule for Multiemployer Pension Withdrawals The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation proposal clarifies assumptions for determining an employer’s withdrawal liability.
Compliance | October 7th, 2022 Sheet Metal Workers Pension Fund Receives Assistance from PBGC After a year of partial payouts to pension participants, a local Sheet Metal Workers pension plan will receive $29 million...
Compliance | September 27th, 2022 What Would a Government Shutdown Mean for the DOL? The Department of Labor would be able to sustain services deemed essential, as well as those that receive forms of...
Compliance | September 26th, 2022 Plan Sponsors Consider PBGC Premium Strategies As plan sponsors near the deadline for changing how they calculate PBGC premiums, some are considering a change in light...