Administration | September 28th, 2017 DB Plans Far From Being Eliminated Aon shows only 6% of U.S. corporate DB plan obligations have actually been settled since 2012.
Products | September 19th, 2017 MassMutual Launches Tool to Gauge DB Plan Health As part of the analysis of pension investments, the PensionSmart Analysis tool can examine different investment “glide path” options to...
Administration | September 19th, 2017 PBGC Premiums Driving DB Plan Sponsors to Fund, De-Risk “Companies feel that the time is right to reduce or eliminate their pension funding shortfalls.” says Matt McDaniel, partner, Mercer.
Administration | September 7th, 2017 DB Plan Sponsors Preparing for PRTs The most common preparatory steps taken include an evaluation of the financial impact of a pension risk transfer; discussions with...