Data and Research | July 1st, 2021 Public Retirement Benefits Not What They Used to Be Changes to public pensions following the Great Recession make them less than adequate for most employees now, and some of...
Products | June 30th, 2021 Public Plans Database Has Been Expanded Users can now find comprehensive data about public DC plans as well as public DB plans.
Compliance | June 28th, 2021 Participant in Pennsylvania’s School System Plan Sues Investment Consultants Teachers hired after 2011 are part of a variable benefit plan design, in which they have to pay more into...
Investing | June 1st, 2021 Worrying About Inflation’s Effect on Your Pension Finances? Don’t. Experts says they don’t expect a long run of inflation, and it might be making your plan less expensive.
Opinions | April 7th, 2021 Public Pension Plans Are Thirsty for Liquidity Charles Millard, a senior adviser at Amundi US and former director of the PBGC, explains why plan sponsors must resist...
Data and Research | March 19th, 2021 Public Sector Employees Need a Push to Supplement Pensions Public sector employees do not increase savings in DC plans in response to potentially lowered DB benefits or the inability...
Investing | December 8th, 2020 Several Forces Will Drive Portfolio Positions for Institutional Investors The pandemic, monetary policy and politics converge to drive changes to equity and fixed income allocations.
Data and Research | December 2nd, 2020 Reducing the Number of External Asset Managers Could Cut Costs for Public Pensions However, researchers find that to maintain the best after-fee returns, pensions should carefully consider which managers to eliminate.
Compliance | October 1st, 2020 New York Transit Worker Pension Plans Sue Over Fund Mismanagement The lawsuit claims an investment manager failed to follow its stated investment strategy during the COVID-19-related market volatility, resulting in...
Administration | September 9th, 2020 DB Plans Can Expect Continued Funded Status Issues The solutions to manage funded status differ for public and corporate plans.
Administration | August 20th, 2020 Lessons From Well-Funded Public Retirement Plans for Managing Crises Representatives of three well-funded pension plans shared information about their contribution rate, assumed return rate and COLA strategies.
Compliance | July 22nd, 2020 Court Finds Nonprofit Still Owes Money to Kentucky Retirement System A nonprofit was allowed to file for bankruptcy and exit the Kentucky Retirement System, but a federal court has ruled...
Compliance | July 13th, 2020 Lawsuit Over Kentucky Retirement System Hedge Fund Investments Dismissed The Kentucky Supreme Court said it ‘recognizes that plaintiffs allege significant misconduct,’ but it found they lacked standing to bring...
Data and Research | May 15th, 2020 Public DBs May Lose Ground on Funding Progress However, all but the worst-funded plans will maintain sufficient assets from which to pay benefits, a study finds.
Data and Research | May 4th, 2020 State Pensions at Lowest Funded Level in 30 Years Negative returns for most asset classes caused by COVID-19’s stress on the financial markets caused an estimated 12.2 percentage point...
Investing | April 28th, 2020 Fixed Income Allocations Suppressed Potential Losses for ERISA Pension Plans Of the three institutional segments tracked by Northern Trust, corporate ERISA pension plans performed the best during 1Q 2020.
Administration | April 15th, 2020 Retirees Returning to the Public Sector Face Limitations The growing need for public-sector employees has retirees willing to return to work, but limitations on public pensions and Social...
Investing | February 28th, 2020 Fees Significantly Vary Performance for Public DB Private Equity Investors A report from Stanford University and Harvard Business School researchers provides food for thought about fee negotiations with private equity...
Data and Research | February 19th, 2020 Public-Sector Employers Have Incentive to Keep Retiree Benefits Viable The value public-sector employees place on retiree health and pension benefits is worth the effort of finding solutions to keep...
Administration | January 10th, 2020 What States Are Doing to Offset Lower Assumed Returns Shifts in investments and changes to employer contributions are being used to mitigate the funded status effects of lower return...