Compliance | January 23rd, 2019 Society of Actuaries Releases Public Retirement Plan Mortality Tables It developed the new tables to give pension actuaries and plan sponsors current information to assist in setting mortality assumptions...
Data and Research | January 9th, 2019 Study Supports DB Plans Over DC Plans for Teachers The study, which evaluated pensions against hypothetical 401(k) plans, finds 77% of teachers in six states will work long enough...
Administration | November 28th, 2018 Proposals Could Further Erode Perceived Health of Public Pensions Reporting proposals from the Actuarial Standards Board and Congress, as well as new proposed mortality tables from the Society of...
Investing | November 6th, 2018 Institutional Investors Maintain Positive Performance in Q3 2018 BNY Mellon says higher allocations to U.S. equity drove outperformance as U.S. fixed income sustained its streak as the lowest...
Compliance | October 26th, 2018 New York AG Accuses Exxon of Misleading Investors About Climate Change Risk The New York State Common Retirement Fund and the New York State Teachers Retirement System hold Exxon shares with a...
Data and Research | October 24th, 2018 Generalizations Do Not Show the True Picture for Public Pensions Looking at the average funded ratio of all public pensions leads to generalizations, but dividing them into groups shows many...
Administration | October 19th, 2018 OPERS Reduces Return Assumptions OPERS said the move is expected to lower its funding level, but increase the time in which it can pay...
Investing | September 26th, 2018 Analysis Finds Shift Away from U.S. Equity in Favor of Other Asset Classes Corporate plans have significantly increased their U.S. fixed income allocation, while public plans have used the funds from U.S. equity...
Administration | September 19th, 2018 Funding Level Rises for City and County Pension Plans “The increase in global equity values for the 12-month period ending June 30, 2017 was a primary driver of the...
Compliance | August 28th, 2018 SOA Proposes New Public Pension Mortality Tables The SOA said it developed the new tables once it was determined that public pensions have differing levels of mortality...
Compliance | August 8th, 2018 San Diego’s Move to DC Plan in Limbo The California Supreme Court has asked an appellate court to review a proposal approved by voters in 2012 to place...
Investing | August 7th, 2018 Institutional Investor Returns Rebound From Q1 2018 Institutional assets tracked by Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service (Wilshire TUCS) posted an all-plan median return of 0.88% for second...
Investing | August 7th, 2018 Fees Negatively Correlated With Public Plans’ Ability to Meet Benchmarks Alternative investments charge higher fees than traditional asset classes such as public equities and fixed income, and according to a...
Investing | August 3rd, 2018 PanAgora Suggests New Investing Strategy for Public DB Plans “A cap-weighted strategy skews its way toward the largest stocks, but if plan sponsors own equities in a much more...
Data and Research | July 13th, 2018 Asset Class Returns Account for Disparity in Public DB Plan Performance Results However, the Center for Retirement Research (CRR) at Boston College found portfolio allocation did account for about one-quarter of the...
Investing | May 8th, 2018 Institutional Investor Returns Pulled Down by Market Losses Wilshire TUCS first quarter returns were weighed down by losses across all major asset classes.
Administration | May 8th, 2018 State Pension Plans Reverse Two Consecutive Years of Return Declines “A primary driver of the improvement in the funding ratio was the increase in global equity values for the 12-month...
Administration | April 17th, 2018 Study Finds Different Paths for Corporate and Public Pensions Corporate plans are winding down as public plans are strengthening themselves for the long run.
Compliance | March 27th, 2018 Willis Towers Watson Reaches Settlement With City of Houston The original lawsuit alleged negligence and professional malpractice by Willis Towers Watson in its actuarial work for the city; the...
Investing | March 19th, 2018 Gun Divestment Bill Introduced in Massachusetts Legislature State pensions have a history of “talking with their feet” in a show of activism against undesirable products or actions.