Administration | July 2nd, 2024 2024 PLANSPONSOR National Conference On Demand Recorded sessions provide valuable insights and education on plan administration and compliance, equipping plan sponsors with the knowledge needed to...
Administration | June 14th, 2024 PSNC 2024: Creating Committees of Excellence Strong committees can serve both as a boon for participants and protection for audit and litigation risk, according to panelists...
Administration | February 8th, 2024 How Should Plan Sponsors Stand Up a New Retirement Plan Committee? Plan sponsors can find education and training for their retirement plan committees from several sources, but how best to build...
Administration | February 1st, 2024 Beyond the Basics: When and Why a Second Retirement Plan Committee Makes Sense Bigger organizations are more likely to need multiple standing or ad hoc groups to govern their plan or plans.
Administration | February 1st, 2024 Maintaining Successful Committee Requires Continuous Education, Right People A retirement plan committee should include a diverse range of individuals, as well as frequent fiduciary training and education, experts...
Administration | February 1st, 2024 How to Teach Fiduciary Responsibility to Plan Committees Where to find education and training, how often to meet and how to confirm members are prepared to serve participants...
Compliance | January 2nd, 2024 Cambridge Health Alliance Retirement Plan Sued Health care system 403(b) participant fees alleged to be too high in fiduciary breach case.
Benefits | July 5th, 2023 DOL Provides Cybersecurity Tips For Plan Sponsors, Participants Workers should log-in to their recordkeeper’s website periodically to check online retirement accounts, the Department of Labor's Lisa Gomez advises.
Administration | June 28th, 2023 PSNC 2023: Addressing In-Plan Annuity Reluctance Employers are reluctant to incorporate annuities in-plan because they don’t feel the best options have come to market yet.
Administration | November 11th, 2021 2021 Best Practices Conference: Managing Your Investment and Retirement Plan Committees Experts discussed whether plan sponsors should have one or two committees, who should be on the committee(s) and the best...
Opinions | October 27th, 2021 Governance Basics Every Plan Sponsor Should Know Mindy Zatto and Leslie Olds, with Strategic Benefits Advisors, discuss retirement plan committee structure and the importance of focusing on...
Administration | June 30th, 2021 PSNC 2021: A Checklist for Your Retirement Plan Committee It’s important to assemble the right people with the right tools to make a retirement plan committee as efficient as...
Administration | March 4th, 2021 A Checklist for Retirement Plan Committees Experts discuss what main facets of a retirement plan that a committee should cover in its quarterly meetings.
Administration | January 20th, 2021 The Value of Having a Retirement Plan Committee Charter While not required by ERISA, attorneys say a committee charter is a best practice that can help a plan run...
Administration | December 15th, 2020 Establishing a Retirement Plan Committee Why plan sponsors need a committee, what committees do and who to appoint to a committee.
Compliance | October 20th, 2020 Advisers Can Spearhead Retirement Plan Committee Setup and Training Plan sponsors can trust advisers to help with committee decisions and training and expect input from ERISA attorneys.
Administration | October 14th, 2020 The Importance of Extending Diversity to the Retirement Plan Committee With representation being top of mind in 2020, companies are reconsidering the makeup of their workforces.
Administration | January 30th, 2020 Elements of Retirement Plan Committee Education There are several elements to include for new retirement plan committee members, but ongoing education is also important.
Administration | October 7th, 2019 Improving a Retirement Plan Committee Through Diversity Today’s workforces are becoming more diverse both generationally and culturally, and retirement plan committees should match this trend to add...
Administration | June 12th, 2019 PSNC 2019: Best Practices for Your Retirement Plan Committee Attendees of the 2019 PLANSPONSOR National Conference heard suggestions for the composition of retirement plan committees, what should be discussed...