Ask the Experts | March 13th, 2018 (b)lines Ask the Experts – Refresher on Correcting 402(g) Excess Deferrals “My plan needs to correct some 402(g) excess deferrals for the 2017 plan year. In looking at some old Ask...
Compliance | March 12th, 2018 IRS Expands Audit Guidance for RMDs to 403(b) Plans A memo says examiners should not challenge a 403(b) plan for violation of the RMD standards for the failure to...
Opinions | March 6th, 2018 DB Q&A: Defined Benefit Plan Mortality Assumptions Marcia Wagner, founder of The Wagner Law Group, answers questions about the IRS’ guidance about mortality tables that apply for...
Ask the Experts | January 30th, 2018 (b)lines Ask the Experts – Record Retention for Non-ERISA 403(b)s “I read in an Ask the Experts column that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requires plan sponsors to...
Ask the Experts | January 23rd, 2018 410(b) Coverage Testing for Firms With Both 401(k) and 403(b) “I work for a firm that recently took over as third-party administrator (TPA) for the retirement plans of a large...
Compliance | January 12th, 2018 PBGC Adjusts Penalties for Failure to Provide Information The agency is required to adjust these amounts annually for inflation, but the agency says its goal is to encourage...
Compliance | January 5th, 2018 IRS Modifies VCP User Fees The agency also issued information about how to obtain or re-establish an employer identification number (EIN) for a retirement plan...
Compliance | December 20th, 2017 PBGC Amends Regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans A final rule provides a new table for determining expected retirement ages for participants in pension plans undergoing distress or...
Compliance | December 18th, 2017 IRS Issues Mortality Tables to Be Used for DB Plans in 2019 The updated mortality improvement rates and static tables apply for purposes of calculating the funding target and other items for...
Products | December 13th, 2017 Segal Group Offers Reporting and Disclosure Calendars One applies to multiemployer benefit plans and the other applies to single-employer benefit plans.
Compliance | December 7th, 2017 2017 Required Amendments List Issued by IRS The agency began issuing these lists when it ended the determination letter program for individually designed retirement plans.
Compliance | November 2nd, 2017 Treasury, IRS Issue Priority Guidance Plan Among its list for retirement plans are projects for which guidance has been long-awaited from the agencies.