Compliance | March 18th, 2025 JPMorgan Sued for Including ‘Underperforming’ Stable Value Fund in 401(k) Menu The company was accused of using an in-house stable value investment that underperforms competitors.
Investing | October 16th, 2024 Stable Value Funds Attract Attention in Rate-Cutting Environment The slower response to interest-rate changes may benefit retirement plan investors, if the Fed continues to cut.
Investing | November 7th, 2022 October Was Another Light Trading Month For 401(k) Investors Traders favored stable value funds, with outflows coming from target-date funds and company stocks.
Investing | October 12th, 2022 401(k) Trading in September Reflects Worst Month Since March 2020 Traders favored equities in the beginning of the third quarter as Wall Street posted gaining, but they preferred fixed-income funds...
Investing | September 7th, 2022 August 401(k) Trading Sees 2nd Lowest Trading Month The latest data from Alight Solutions show two above-normal trading days in August, with investors favoring equities during 13 of...
Investing | August 9th, 2022 401(k) Trading Light in July Despite Market Gains Stable value funds topped inflows, while most outflows were from target-date funds, according to Alight Solutions data.
Investing | February 23rd, 2022 The Role of Stable Value Funds as QDIAs or Otherwise Though stable value funds might not be appropriate as the qualified default investment alternative for a defined contribution plan, they...
Data and Research | February 15th, 2022 Retirement Plan Menus Shift With the Times A new survey finds the continued growth of plan assets in target-date funds may be reducing the importance of the...
Compliance | May 7th, 2021 Court Hands Down Split Decision in KeyCorp Excessive Fee Lawsuit A federal judge moved forward claims of excessive administrative and managed account fees but dismissed claims regarding KeyCorp plan’s stable...
Products | October 29th, 2020 T. Rowe Price Secures PNC Stable Value Fund Terms of the transaction were finalized on September 25.
Participants | April 22nd, 2020 Investors Rush to Stable Value, Money Market Funds in March Stable value funds took in 64% of the inflows and money market funds, 24%, according to the Alight Solutions 401(k)...
Investing | December 5th, 2019 Stable Value’s Role in a Diversified DC Plan Menu Stable value funds can and do play an important role as an asset class alongside target-date funds, and they should...
Products | December 4th, 2019 Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund Launched by John Hancock The new fund is offered through a group annuity contract, with underlying assets issued and guaranteed by the John Hancock...
Investing | August 28th, 2019 Choosing Between a Stable Value or Money Market Fund Lawsuits have led to confusion about which direction retirement plan sponsors should go when choosing a capital preservation fund for...
Investing | June 12th, 2019 401(k) Participant Transfers Increase in May Falling equity returns accelerated the trend this year of participants moving into fixed income investments, according to Alight Solutions.
Compliance | May 29th, 2019 Supreme Court Denies Chevron Stable Value ERISA Litigation Review Specifically, the petition for writ of certiorari asked the Supreme Court to answer the question: “In pleading a breach of...
Investing | April 12th, 2019 Despite Market Rebound, Investors Flocked to Fixed Income in Q119 Nearly 90% of the days in the quarter saw net trading activity favor fixed income, according to the Alight Solutions...
Products | March 21st, 2019 Investment Product and Service Launches Schwab Adds Conestoga Fund to Mutual Fund List; GSAM Acquires Standard & Poor's Investment Advisory Services; and Firm Offers FDIC-Insured...
Investing | February 13th, 2019 A Drop Off in Volatility in January Led to Scant Trading It was the slowest start to the year in the 20-plus years of the Alight Solutions 401(k) Index.
Compliance | February 6th, 2019 MassMutual Wins Lawsuit Over Stable Value Fund Spread A judge found the plaintiff in the lawsuit was bound by a prior settlement agreement and that MassMutual did not...