TD Ameritrade and FeeX Partner on DC Plan Fee Analyzer
Participants in 401(k), 403(b) or other defined contribution (DC) plans can compare administration and individual mutual fund fees to fees in an individual retirement account (IRA).
TD Ameritrade has partnered with FeeX, Inc., to launch a fee analyzer tool to give participants insight into their 401(k), 403(b) or other defined contribution (DC) plan.
The tool considers administration and individual mutual fund fees and can show participants how these fees compare to fees in an individual retirement account (IRA).
In line with this launch, TD Ameritrade conducted a survey of 1,000 investors and found that only 27% know how much they are paying in 401(k) fees. Thirty-seven percent mistakenly think they are not paying any fees, 22% do not know if their plan has a fee, and 14% do not know how to determine the fee.
“While often overlooked, fees can put a drag on investment performance and impact portfolio value over the long term,” says Matthew Sadowsky, director of retirement and annuities at TD Ameritrade.
Clearly, the Eagles have more responding readers rooting for them, as the team was selected by 63.2%, while less than one-quarter (24.5%) selected the Patriots. But, 12.3% of respondents said they don’t care which team wins.
So many of the readers who chose to leave comments expressed that the Patriots in or winning the Super Bowl is getting old, but some are rooting against the Eagles because of fan behavior. Others say they watch the game just for the commercials or half-time show. A few expressed issues with financial aspects of the game, against the backdrop of the government shutdown and needs of many Americans. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “It’s time for a new team to win.”
Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey!
I’m tired of seeing the Patriots go to the Super Bowl. However, as a Cowboys fan, I can’t root for the Eagles either.
So sick of the Patriots and all the questionable things that happen with that group.
Kansas City Chiefs
My answer is the same as every year: Anybody but the Patriots!
Patriots = Boring
The Patriots cheat and Eagles fans showed more of their moronic behavior towards Vikings fans last week. Tough to root for either side.
I’m sick of the Patriots winning.
Since “my” team isn’t in the Super Bowl, I only care about the commercials!
Sick and tired of seeing the Patriots in the Super Bowl
Anyone of the final four but the Patriots (again).
I normally hate the Patriots and would want anyone to beat them. But after seeing the way the Eagles fans behaved when my beloved Vikings were there, I’ll root for the Patriots to trounce them.
Want to see TB12 get at least 3 more rings!
Coming from a Giants fan, routing for the Eagles is tough but soooo tired of the Patriots!
This one won’t be easy but I have faith in Brady and the rest of the Patriots to do their job.
Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck win Number 6 to cement their all-time legacies as Greatest Quarterback and Greatest Coach!
Any team other than the Patriots!
Give me the puppy bowl instead any day.
Not a big fan of the NFL in general, but definitely ready for someone other than the Patriots to win!
Don’t care anything about the NFL anymore, after 50 years of being a die-hard fan. I am so disgusted with the players’ behavior and pathetic response from the league that I and most people I know, wont’ be watching. We’ll have a party, stand for the National anthem and maybe watch the halftime show.
Unbelievable the amount of time and resources that we devote in this country to professional sports, including at the college level (yes, those players are also professionals, just with deferred compensation). It’s a bit sickening, when you think about all the needy people in this country, not to mention other parts of the world.
I guess I would just like to see Tom Brady (the old guy) pull out one more big game. Because he has such a winning record he put down a lot. One more for Tom. (besides, our corporate headquarters is in Philly and I just can’t let them have bragging rights)
I enjoy watching the game for the commercials.
Over the last few years I have shifted my interest in football from the pros to college. I really don’t care who wins the super bowl.
I would root for almost any team who was playing the Patriots. Ick.
The Patriots are my least favorite team, so I would root for any team that plays against them.
I watch it only for the commercials.
As the Eagles defeated the Vikings, I’ll support the underdog.
There isn’t one self-respecting Buffalo Bills fan that is not rooting for Philly!
While the pre-game hype is all about the Patriots and their march to another Super Bowl, I doubt the game will even be close. Eagles win 33-10.
It’s all about the party! Hopefully someday the day after will be a national holiday.
I may not actually watch the game for the first time in decades due to all the kneeling during the National Anthem.
How sad that companies will spend millions of dollars on commercials during a sports game, where the players will also earn millions, and the Government can’t agree on a budget, nor work without pay when they can’t do their job? I think there is something wrong here…..
I’m with Alexa on this one – Fly Eagles Fly, E.A.G.L.E.S. EAGLES!!!
What occurs in the NFL is not football; it is merely entertainment: brutal, damaging, morally corrupt entertainment. Those who break the rules are rewarded. The NFL promotes corruption, takes tax money, and keeps the profits. Because I respect the sport of football, I will NOT be watching.
After the behavior of the Philly fans, I am not so sure, but then again, who really wants the Patriots to win again?
In truth I wanted the Vikings to have the home team advantage since whoever plays the Patriots need all the “advantages” they can get!
It’s time for a new team to win
I’d like to see respect for our country win.
Tired of seeing the Patriots and their coach.
I really don’t care. I’m in it for the party!
William Penn Statue on top of City Hall and Rocky at the Museum would be ecstatic; parade downtown would be awesome
I don’t care if the game is close. I just want the Patriots to lose. I’m sick of watching the Patriots as the backdrop to whatever Super Bowl party I attend.
Two East Coast teams …I’m sure the rest of the U.S. will consider this a snooze fest. The only reason I’m watching is to see Justin Timberlake at Half Time! 🙂
Anyone other than New England!
I think everyone wants the Eagles to win…it’s most of America/world against New England! 🙂
A more accurate question would be which team would you rather see lose – the easy answer would be the Patriots. I think it’s time to utilize Smartcast to watch a recording of Super Bowl XX and watch the Patriots get drubbed.
I’m tired of the Patriots.
Would love to see another team be able to win the Super Bowl. It would be great for the sport to have an underdog win against the mighty Patriots. Everyone should begin the year knowing they have a chance to win the big one. Also, every team should have a fight song. Fly Eagles Fly.
I know the rest of the country can’t stand them but I have to root for the Pats! They always come through. Go Brady!
Normally, I am neutral on who wins or loses (I’m usually more interested in the commercials than the game!). But I’m from Buffalo and everyone in Buffalo hates the Patriots and would rather see any team other than the Patriots win the Super Bowl!
Certainly don’t want the cheaters to win!
I don’t particularly care for the Eagles, but I will be rooting against the Patriots.
I watch it for the commercials!
Will the Browns ever make a Superbowl?
I want anyone to win except the Patriots and a good competitive game!
Never been “for” the Eagles before, but guess this is my way of continuing to be “unpatriotic”
Patriots cheat. And they suck.
NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Strategic Insight or its affiliates.