TRIVIAL PURSUITS: What were used as the first ice hockey pucks?

What were used as the first ice hockey pucks?

Answer: Originally, ice hockey was played outdoors. The first hockey pucks were chunks of frozen cow dung.

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When the game moved indoors, LaCrosse balls were used as pucks. However, rink owners found it preferable to cut the balls into thirds and just use the center.

A Swedish hockey player once scored by squatting in the goal to release a puck that had gotten stuck in his pants.

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MetLife Offers Retirement Planning Resources for Teachers

The “MetLife 3 R’s to Retirement” campaign and website offer resources and guidance to public school district employees.

As the school year begins across the country, teachers may be focused on students, but it is also a time for them to look at their benefits and future financial success.

MetLife has launched its “MetLife 3 R’s to Retirement” campaign and website, which offers a range of resources and guidance to school employees. “We’re encouraging teachers of all ages to ‘review’ their retirement savings goals, ‘reassess’ their progress, then ‘retire’ when they’re ready,” says Derrick Kelson, vice president of MetLife Premier Client Group, Workplace Initiatives. “In doing so, we aim to help them more strategically contribute to their 403(b) plans and ultimately, achieve a more financially secure retirement.”                         

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Tools provided on the website can help educators assess their savings and align their progress with their overall retirement goals. The campaign also promotes the one-on-one retirement planning guidance MetLife financial services representatives provide to educators to encourage them to take advantage of this available resource.

The website includes a “Cost of Waiting” estimator, “Retirement Distribution Planner,” and “Retirement Income Planner.” There are videos about the importance of starting early, investing in mutual funds and asset preservation, as well as worksheets to keep track of monthly expenses and identify ways to save, as well as determine which investments are most appropriate and whether a traditional or Roth IRA is best.

The campaign website is at
