UK Employees Report Decreased Job Satisfaction and Commitment

July 18, 2005 ( - A survey from Mercer Human Resource Consulting shows that only 64% of British employees are satisfied with their jobs and only 59% feel a strong sense of commitment to their company.

A Mercer press release says this shows a decline of 10% in worker job satisfaction and a decline of 5% in the level of commitment since the same survey was conducted three years ago. Dr. Patrick Gilbert, Head of Organizational Research and Effectiveness at Mercer explained in the release that, “The employment market has become more buoyant in the last two years, so more employees are feeling restless and dissatisfied in their jobs. With more opportunities available, people often think the grass is greener elsewhere.”

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In addition, the survey found that 60% of employees feel proud to work for their organization and only 65% expect to have a long term future with their employer. Gilbert says that employees who respect their management and feel their company is doing well are more like to feel proud and committed to the company.

He also pointed out that companies who have strong communication between employees and management and who show empathy and support for their employees will benefit from staff loyalty and ideas they can receive from those closest to the operational issues of the organization. Only 50% of survey respondents feel that their managers are aware of the problems facing employees and only 46% felt encouraged to suggest improvements for operations.

Mercer’s What’s Working Survey is a survey of 1,119 working adults in Britain representing a broad cross-section of industries. The Mercer press release is here .
