Willis Group Offers Health Reform Financial Impact Calculator

August 25, 2010 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The Human Capital Practice of Willis Group Holdings has announced the launch of an online tool to help employers assess the financial impact of health care reform measures on their businesses.

The Willis Health Care Reform Impact Analysis Calculator offers a variety of features including: 

  • A Regulation Impact Interface, which evaluates the cost of compliance for each new regulation, with incremental cost impacts based on grandfathered status, retiree health population and existing plan design;  
  • A Cadillac Plan Calculator, to determine the exposure to “Cadillac” medical excise taxes, effective in 2018;  
  • A Pay or Play Calculator, which determines monthly exposure to “play or pay” penalties, effective 2014, based on hours worked and number of full-time employees; and 
  • A Small Business Tax Credit Calculator, to determine potential tax credits between 2010 and 2013 for employers with fewer than 25 full-time employees.  


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Each of the cost estimates generated by the Willis HCR Calculator is automatically summarized in an HCR Report Card, a one-page executive overview with major observations and a graphical display of results.   

Willis said its employee benefits consultants will use the tool when working with clients interested in a broad overview of the costs of health care reform and related timing. For a deeper analysis and more detailed strategic recommendations, Willis is offering a corresponding consulting service that leverages the resources of its National Actuarial Practice to advise clients on benefit program design and cost-mitigation options related to each of the health care reform measures that will take effect over the next seven years.  

According to the announcement, other elements of Willis’ strategy to help clients navigate the complexities of health care reform include educational programs for insurance buyers (employers), information and decision-support tools for consumers (employees), ongoing education and training for Willis consultants, and lobbying efforts on such matters as wellness program grants and waivers for limited medical plans. The company also offers online portals, publications, Web casts and in-person seminars to provide further guidance to clients.  

The announcement said Willis also is conducting a detailed survey of more than 25,000 U.S. companies in conjunction with the American Benefits Council to gauge opinions and determine how employers are reacting to health care reform. Results of the survey will be announced later this year.   

More information is at http://willis.com.
