WV Teachers Get More Time to Make DB Switch

April 13, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The West Virginia legislature has moved to give state educators more time to ensure they receive full pension benefits.

According to the Associated Press, legislation passed to Governor Joe Manchin on Saturday would loosen the deadline for so-called buyback payments into the West Virginia Teachers Retirement System’s defined benefit plan (see State Plan Sponsor of the Year: A Lesson in Funding ).

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Nearly 15,000 teachers and other school workers took part in last year’s exodus from the 457 defined contribution program to the defined benefit alternative. However, participation in the 457 plan required a smaller participant contribution than does the defined benefit program. Consequently, those who transferred to the DB option must make up the difference to guarantee full benefits under the new plan.

The deadline for buyback payments is June 30. But several thousand enrollees don’t yet know how much they must pay. The bill gives them 90 days from the postmark on their final contribution calculation, according to the AP.

A Little Friday File Fun (04/10)

April 10, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a couple of thousand….

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If you can’t view the above video, try  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7OXnC5k2OA

BUMPER “CROP?”   Those new bumpers just don’t work the same as they used to.

If you can’t view the above video, try


And here's pictures AND sounds...

and a gift for that hard-to-shop-for-someone - ropeless jump rope - - - I kid you not.  MORE at http://jumpsnap.com/index.html

And here's some sounds...

- - - In Kissimmee, Florida , an unnamed woman called 911 with an unusual predicament.   MORE at http://cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/audio/CAR_ELECTRICAL_PROBLEM.mp3

- - - In Haltom City, Texas , an unnamed woman felt that she hadn't been given the extra shrimp for which she had paid $1.62 - - - so she called to a higher authority - - - 911.   And you can listen to this call at http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=7289098

And last, but not least...the criminal elements:

- - - In Peoria, Arizona , an unnamed 16-year-old was hanging out with some of his buddies - - - when the subject turned to his recent escapades - - - breaking into a car and stealing the stereo, as well as a Cricket phone - - - and, apparently while he was carrying on about it - - - the aforementioned Cricket phone dialed 911 - - - giving police an opportunity to hear him "confess" to his crime - - - and, ultimately, an opportunity to triangulate his position (via the same phone) - - - and arrest him - - - you can listen in at   http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valleyfever/2009/04/mobile_phone_in_kids_pocket_ca.php

- - - In Kansas City, Missouri , police responding to a home invasion call here spotted suspect Sterling Devine, 25, and tried to pull him over - - - undeterred, Sterling ran two stop signs - - - and a red light - - - before crashing his car into the Cinemark theater building - - - and providing us with one of the funniest mug shots you'll see this week - - - MORE at http://www.kctv5.com/2009/0408/19129373_240X180.jpg

And here's a picture worth...$125,000....

- - - In Boulder Creek, California , an unnamed 23-year-old took her boss' car for a spin (with his permission) - - - but unfortunately took a curve too fast - - - lost control - - - hit an embankment - - - and flipped the vehicle - - - causing an estimated $125,000 damage - - - after all, her boss' car was a Ferrari - - - you can see it HERE http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site571/2009/0405/20090405_105325_fearrari_GALLERY.jpg

TRIVIAL PURSUITS:   There were nine dogs aboard the Titanic when she sank.  

How many survived?    

Turns out only three survived:

  • Margaret Hay's Pomeranian (lifeboat #7),
  • Elizabeth Rothchild's pooch (lifeboat # 6) and
  • Henry Sleeper Harper's Pekinese, Sun Yat Sen (Lifeboat # 3)

The Top 10 Nerf Guns of All Time (according to Popular Mechanics) at http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/upgrade/4311795.html

TRIVIAL PURSUITS:   Which state of the United States of America borders the most other states?

Actually, this turns out to be a trick question.  There are two - Tennessee and Missouri - each of which has eight states bordering it (including each other):

The Volunteer State is bordered by eight states:

  • Kentucky
  • Arkansas,
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Alabama
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • Virginia

The Show-Me State is also bordered by eight states:

  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Arkansas
  • Oklahoma
  • Kansas
  • Nebraska



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